Stickit minister

Stickit minister

A Stickit minister is a term of obloquy in Scotland, for a candidate for holy orders who has failed to pass the necessary examination, or to give satisfaction before whom he preached the probationary sermon. Scottish Gaelic has a direct equivalent in "ministear-maide". There are two possible origins, firstly, as the Scottish Gaelic version "maide" implies, that the minister is "wooden" and stick like, or alternatively that it refers to hesitancy in speech, or "sticking" when giving the sermon itself. ("stickit" is the Lowland Scots for stuck). John Jamieson quotes an example: "Puir lad! The first time he tried to preach, he stickit his sermon." and further glosses "A speech is stickit when the speaker hesitates and is unable to proceed". The "stickit minister" is a staple of Scottish literature in the 18th and 19th Centuries, the most notable example being S.R. Crockett's novel, "The Stickit Minister", published in 1893. It was followed by a rapidly produced series of popular novels frequently featuring the history of Scotland or with his native Galloway. It is still in minor use, but is becoming extinct.

The book may well be viewed as the underdog story of Christian ministry. A common theme of this work focuses on the humanity of christianity in that day. Thus the stories reveal both good and bad examples of ministers and their behaviour. The unseen world of the minister is laid bare, though in an understanding manner.

The term is not connected with the Religion of the Yellow Stick.


* MacKay, Charles – "A Dictionary of Lowland Scotch" (1888)

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  • Stickit minister — Stickit Stick it, a. Stuck; spoiled in making. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] {Stickit minister}, a candidate for the clerical office who fails, disqualified by incompetency or immorality. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stickit minister — noun (Scot) A licentiate who never gets a pastoral charge • • • Main Entry: ↑stick …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stickit — Stick it, a. Stuck; spoiled in making. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] {Stickit minister}, a candidate for the clerical office who fails, disqualified by incompetency or immorality. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Samuel Rutherford Crockett — (September 24, 1860 April 16, 1914), was a Scottish novelist, born at Duchrae, Galloway, the son of a Galloway farmer.He was brought up on a Galloway farm, and graduated from Edinburgh University in 1879. After some years of travel he became in… …   Wikipedia

  • Crockett, Samuel Rutherford — ▪ Scottish writer original name  Samuel Crockett   born Sept. 24, 1859, Little Duchrae, near New Galloway, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scot. died April 16, 1914, Tarascon, near Avignon, Fr.       Scottish novelist and a leader of the Kailyard (Kailyard… …   Universalium

  • CROCKETT, SAMUEL RUTHERFORD —    novelist, born near New Galloway, Kirkcudbright; bred for the Church, and for some time Free Church minister at Penicuik, Midlothian, a charge he resigned in 1895, having previously published a volume of sketches entitled The Stickit Minister …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Крокет Сэмюэль — (Samuel Rutherford Crockett) выдающийся шотландский романист. Род. в 1860 г. Был пастором, но скоро отказался от этой должности. Первая его книга (собрание стихов) была напечатана в 1886 г. В 1893 г. вышел первый сборник его рассказов: The… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

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  • Крокет С. — Сэмюэль Крокет (Samuel Rutherford Crockett; 1860 ) шотландский романист. Был пастором, но скоро отказался от этой должности. Первая его книга (собрание стихов) была напечатана в 1886. В 1893 вышел первый сборник его рассказов: «The Stickit… …   Википедия

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