Khaboris Codex

Khaboris Codex

The Khaburis Codex ( alternate spelling Khaboris , Khabouris) is a late and unremarkable Syriac manuscript of the New Testament. The Khaburis Codex is the complete Peshitta New Testament containing 22 books, in comparison to the Western New Testament Canon which contains 27 books. The missing books are II Peter, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation. It has been carbon-dated to the twelfth century, which is confirmed by palaeography. The text in Estrangelā is highly consistent with the standard Peshitta version of the Syriac Bible. Six pages in Matthew's Gospel, namely 13, 14, 39, 40, 53 and 54 are written in the East Adiabene text type. The last part of the Book of Hebrews, which according to the Eastern book order is at the end of the manuscript, has suffered damage and wear so some sections are illegible.

The Khaboris Codex was obtained by the Norman Yonan, who had previously tried to sell the Yonan Codex in the United States with the claim that it was the earliest New Testament manuscript, from the Assyrian Church of the East in Iraq in 1966. When Yonan died in 1970, the manuscript was purchased by Dan MacDougald for use in his holistic healing programme, which had previously sold transliterations of the Yonan Codex's text of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5.3–12, and identical to the standard Peshitta text) to be recited to improve mental health. In 1995, the Khaboris Codex was examined by a specially assembled project team, who dated it as twelfth century. In 1999, radio-carbon dating confirmed this date.

= See also = ]
* Peshitta
* Syriac versions of the Bible

External links

* [ Complete Khaburis Codex]
* [ Official Khabouris Codex Transcription website]
* [ Khabouris Codex for download]

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