

name = True Salamanders and Newts

image_caption ="Notophthalmus viridescens" from North America
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Amphibia
ordo = Caudata
familia = Salamandridae
familia_authority = Goldfuss, 1820
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Calotriton"

Salamandridae is a family of salamanders consisting of true salamanders and newts. There are currently 74 species (with more expected) spread all over the northern hemisphere - Europe, Asia, the northern tip of Africa and North America. Salamandrids are distinguished from other salamanders by the lack of rib or costal grooves along the sides of the body, and usually have rough skin.


The genera "Chioglossa", "Lyciasalamandra", "Mertensiella" and "Salamandra" are grouped in the subfamily "Salamandrinae", the rest in "Pleurodelinae". []

*Family Salamandridae
**Subfamily Pleurodelinae
***Genus "Calotriton" (Spanish Brook Newts) -2 species
****Montseny Brook Newt ("Calotriton arnoldii")
****Pyrenean Brook Newt ("Calotriton asper")
***Genus "Cynops" (Fire Belly Newts) -7 species
****Chenggong Fire Belly Newt ("Cynops chenggongensis ")
****Chuxiong Fire-Bellied Newt ("Cynops cyanurus")
****Japanese Sword-Tailed Newt ("Cynops ensicauda")
****Chinese Fire Belly Newt ("Cynops orientalis")
****Dayang Fire Belly newt ("Cynops orphicus")
****Japanese Fire Belly Newt ("Cynops pyrrhogaster")
****Yunnan Lake Newt ("Cynops wolterstorffi")
***Genus "Echinotriton" (Crocodile Newts) -2 species
****Anderson's Crocodile Newt ("Echinotriton andersoni")
****Chinhai Spiny Newt ("Echinotriton chinhaiensis")
***Genus "Euproctus" (Brook Salamanders) -3 species
****Pyrenean Brook Salamander ("Euproctus asper")
****Corsican Brook Salamander ("Euproctus montanus")
****Sardinian Brook Salamander ("Euproctus platycephalus")
***Genus "Lissotriton" (Small bodied Newts) -5 species
****Bosca's Newt ("Lissotriton boscai")
****Palmate Newt ("Lissotriton helveticus")
****Italian Newt ("Lissotriton italicus")
****Carpathian Newt ("Lissotriton montandoni")
****Smooth Newt ("Lissotriton vulgaris")
***Genus "Mesotriton" (Alpine Newts) -1 species
****Alpine Newt ("Mesotriton alpestris")
***Genus "Neurergus" (Spotted Newts) -4 species
****Yellow-Spotted Newt ("Neurergus crocatus")
****Kaiser's Spotted Newt ("Neurergus kaiseri")
****Kurdistan Spotted Newt ("Neurergus microspilotus")
****Strauch's Spotted Newt ("Neurergus strauchii")
***Genus "Notophthalmus" (Eastern Newts) -3 species
****Black-Spotted Newt ("Notophthalmus meridionalis")
****Striped Newt ("Notophthalmus perstriatus")
****Eastern Newt ("Notophthalmus viridescens")
***Genus "Ommatotriton" (Banded Newts) -2 species
****Northern Banded Newt ("Ommatotriton ophryticus")
****Southern Banded Newt ("Ommatotriton vittatus")
***Genus "Pachytriton" (Paddle-Tail Newts) -2 species (with 4 more to be evaluated)
****Spotted Paddle-Tail Newt ("Pachytriton brevipes")
****Paddle-Tail Newt ("Pachytriton labiatus")
****probably 4 more species not yet described completely. Known as Pachytriton A,B,C & D.
***Genus "Paramesotriton" (Warty Newts) -7 species
****Spot-Tailed Warty Newt ("Paramesotriton caudopunctatus")
****Chinese Warty Newt ("Paramesotriton chinensis")
****Tam Dao Warty Newt ("Paramesotriton deloustali")
****Wanggao Warty Newt ("Paramesotriton fuzhongensis")
****Guangxi Warty Newt ("Paramesotriton guanxiensis")
****Hong Kong Warty Newt ("Paramesotriton hongkongensis")
****Laos Warty Newt ("Paramesotriton laoensis")
***Genus "Pleurodeles" (Ribbed Newts) -3 species
****Algerian Ribbed Newt("Pleurodeles nebulosus")
****Edough Ribbed Newt ("Pleurodeles poireti")
****Spanish Ribbed Newt ("Pleurodeles waltl")
***Genus ""Salamandrina" (Spectacled Salamanders) -2 species
****Southern Spectacled Salamander ("Salamandrina terdigitata")
****Northern Spectacled Salamander ("Salamandrina perspicillata")
***Genus "Taricha" (Western Newts / Pacific Newts) -3 species
****Rough-Skinned Newt ("Taricha granulosa")
****Red-Bellied Newt ("Taricha rivularis")
****California Newt ("Taricha torosa")
***Genus "Triturus" (Crested Newts) -7species
****Italian Crested Newt ("Triturus carnifex")
****Northern Crested Newt ("Triturus cristatus")
****Danube Crested Newt ("Triturus dobrogicus")
****Southern Crested Newt ("Triturus karelinii")
****Marbled Newt ("Triturus marmoratus")
****Pygmy Marbled Newt ("Triturus pygmaeus")
***Genus "Tylototriton" (Crocodile Newts) -8 species
****Black Knobby Newt ("Tylototriton asperrimus")
****Hainan Knobby Newt ("Tylototriton hainanensis")
****Red-Tailed Knobby Newt ("Tylototriton kweichowensis")
****Mandarin Newt ("Tylototriton shanjing")
****Taliang Knobby Newt ("Tylototriton taliangensis")
****Himalayan Crocodile Newt ("Tylototriton verrucosus")
****Vietnamese Crocodile Newt ("Tylototriton vietnamensis")
****Wenxian Knobby Newt ("Tylototriton wenxianensis")
**Subfamily Salamandrinae
***Genus "Chioglossa" -1 species
****Gold-Striped Salamander ("Chioglossa lusitanica")
***Genus "Lyciasalamandra" -7 species
****Lycian Salamander ("Lyciasalamandra anatlyana")
****Lycian Salamander ("Lyciasalamandra atifi")
****Lycian Salamander ("Lyciasalamandra billae")
****Lycian Salamander ("Lyciasalamandra fizilae")
****Lycian Salamander ("Lyciasalamandra flavimembris")
****Lycian Salamander ("Lyciasalamandra helverseni")
****Lycian Salamander ("Lyciasalamandra luschani")
***Genus "Mertensiella" -1 species
****Caucasian Salamander ("Mertensiella caucasica")
***Genus "Salamandra" (Fire Salamanders) -6 species
****Algerian Fire Salamander ("Salamandra algira")
****Alpine Salamander ("Salamandra atra")
****Corsican Fire Salamander ("Salamandra corsica")
****Near Eastern Fire Salamander ("Salamandra infraimmaculata")
****Lanza's Fire Salamander ("Salamandra lanzai")
****Fire Salamander ("Salamandra salamandra")


External links

* [ Tree of Life: Salamandridae]
* [ Living Under World]
* []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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