The New Journalism

The New Journalism

"The New Journalism" is a 1973 anthology of journalism edited by Tom Wolfe and EW Johnson. The book is both a manifesto for a new type of journalism by Wolfe, and a collection of examples of New Journalism by American writers, covering a variety of subjects from the frivolous (baton twirling competitions) to the deadly serious (the Vietnam War). The pieces are notable because they do not conform to the standard dispassionate and even-handed model of journalism. Rather they incorporate literary devices usually only found in fictional works.


The first section of the book is a diatribe against the American novel which Wolfe sees as having hit a dead end by moving away from realism, and his opinion that journalism is much more relevant. In effect, his manifesto is for mixing journalism with literary techniques to document in a more effective way than the novel. These techniques were most likely inspired by writers of social realism, such as Émile Zola and Charles Dickens. His manifesto for New Journalism (although he had no great affection for the term) has four main points.
*Scene by scene construction. Rather than rely on second-hand accounts and background information, Wolfe considers it necessary for the journalist to witness events first hand, and to recreate them for the reader.
*Dialogue. By recording dialogue as fully as possible, the journalist is not only reporting words, but defining and establishing character, as well as involving the reader.
*The third person. Instead of simply reporting the facts, the journalist has to give the reader a real feeling of the events and people involved. One technique for achieving this is to treat the protagonists like characters in a novel. What is their motivation? What are they thinking?
*Status details. Just as important as the characters and the events, are the surroundings, specifically what people surround themselves with. Wolfe describes these items as the tools for a "social autopsy", so we can see people as they see themselves


*Truman Capote - excerpt from "In Cold Blood".
*Robert Christgau - "Beth Ann and Macrobioticism".
*Joan Didion - "Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream".
*John Gregory Dunne - excerpt from "The Studio".
*Joe Eszterhas - "Charlie Simpson's Apocalypse".
*Barbara L Goldsmith - "La Dolce Viva".
*Richard Goldstein - "Gear".
*Michael Herr - "Khesanh".
*Norman Mailer - excerpt from "The Armies of the Night".
*Joe McGinniss - excerpt from "The Selling of the President".
*James Mills - "The Detective".
*George Plimpton - "Paper Lion".
*Rex Reed - "Do You Sleep In The Nude?"
* "Adam Smith"
*John Sack - "M".
*Terry Southern - "Twirling at Ole Miss".
*Gay Talese - "Joe Louis: The King as a Middle-aged Man".
*Hunter S. Thompson - excerpt from "" and "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved".
*Nicholas Tomalin - "The General Goes Zapping Charlie Cong".
*Garry Wills - "Martin Luther King is Still on the Case".
*Tom Wolfe - excerpt from "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" and "Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers".

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