

A Biblical word, debir (דְּבִיר) may refer to:


Personal name

  • Debir King of Eglon, a Canaanite king of Eglon, slain by Joshua. (Joshua 10) Aided by miracles, Joshua's army routed the Canaanite military, forcing Debir and the other kings to seek refuge in a cave. There they were trapped until later executed.

Place names

  • A royal Canaanite city, also known as Kiriath-Sepher (Judges 1:11) and Kiriath-Sannah. (Joshua 15:15) It became a Levite city. (Joshua 21:9) Its location is unclear, but today it is commonly identified with Khirbet Rabud southwest of Hebron.
  • A site mentioned to be in the low plain of Achor. (Joshua 15:7) Though its exact location is not known, the name may have survived in Thogheret ed-Debr, southwest of Jericho.
  • A location in Gilead, at the border of the Tribe of Gad, commonly believed to be the same as Lo-Debar. (Joshua 13:26) Some identify the place with Umm ed-Dabar, 16 km (9.9 mi) south of Gennesareth Sea.

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  • DEBIR — (Heb. דְּבִיר). 1. Canaanite royal city in the territory of Judah and originally inhabited by descendants of the Anakim ( giants? ; Josh. 12:13; 11:21). Debir is also called Kiriath Sepher and Kiriath Sannah (ibid. 15:15, 49). It was conquered by …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Debir — Débir Le débir (en hébreu : דביר) ou saint des saints (קודש הקודשים), est la partie la plus centrale du Temple de Jérusalem, sanctuaire de la religion juive dont la construction est attribuée à Salomon, selon la tradition biblique. Il… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Debir — (a. Geogr.), 1) vor Ankunft des Israeliten Kirjath Sepher; kananilische Stadt unweit Hebron, im Stamme Juda; von Josua u. Athniel erobert; 2) amoritische Stadt jenseit des Jordan, im Stamme Gad …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Debir — (hebr., auch Kodesch Kodaschim), das Allerheiligste des Salomonischen Tempels mit der Bundeslade (s. Tempel). Auch ist D. Name einer altkanaanitischen Königsstadt …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Débir — Le débir (en hébreu : דביר) ou saint des saints (קודש הקודשים), est la partie la plus centrale du Temple de Jérusalem, sanctuaire de la religion juive dont la construction est attribuée à Salomon, selon la tradition biblique. Il représente,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Debir —    Oracle town; sanctuary.    1) One of the eleven cities to the west of Hebron, in the highlands of Judah (Josh. 15:49; Judg. 1:11 15). It was originally one of the towns of the Anakim (Josh. 15:15), and was also called Kirjath sepher (q.v.) and …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Debir — /dee beuhr/, n. a royal city in the vicinity of Hebron, conquered by Othniel. * * * …   Universalium

  • debir — (F.) [ ﺮﻴﺑد ] katip …   Osmanli Türkçesİ sözlüğü

  • DEBİR — f. Müsteşar. * Kâtib, yazıcı …   Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük

  • Debir — /dee beuhr/, n. a royal city in the vicinity of Hebron, conquered by Othniel …   Useful english dictionary

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