- Glass-coated wire
Glass-coating is a process invented in 1924 by
G. F. Taylor and converted into production machine by Ulitovski for producing fineglass -coatedmetal filaments only a fewmicrometre s indiameter .In this process, known as the "Taylor-wire" or "microwire process" or "Taylor-Ulitovski process", the metal to be produced in
microwire form is held in a glass tube, typically aborosilicate composition, which is closed at one end. This end of the tube is then heated in order to soften the glass to a temperature at which the metal part is in liquid state and the glass can be drawn down to produce a fine glass capillary containing a metal core.during the last years the process was converted to continuous one by continuously feeding the metal drop with new material.Metal cores in the range 1 to 120
micrometre s with a glass coating a few micrometres in diameter can be readily produced by this method. Glass-coated microwires successfully produced by this method includecopper ,silver ,gold ,iron ,platinum , and variousalloy compositions. It has even proved possible to produceamorphous metal ("glassy metal") cores because the cooling rate achievable by this process can be of the order of 1,000,000kelvin s per second.Applications for microwire include miniature electrical components based on copper-cored microwire.
Amorphous metal cores with specialmagnet ic properties can even be employed in such articles assecurity tag s and related devices.Cobalt and iron base alloys are used to produce antishoplifting labels and security papers.
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