- Ford circle
mathematics , a Ford circle is acircle with centre at ("p/q", 1/(2"q"2)) andradius 1/(2"q"2), where "p/q" is anirreducible fraction , i.e. "p" and "q" arecoprime integers .History
Ford circles are named after American mathematician Lester R. Ford, Sr., who described them in an article in "American Mathematical Monthly" in
1938 , volume 45, number 9, pages 586-601.Properties
The Ford circle associated with the fraction "p"/"q" is denoted by C ["p"/"q"] or C ["p", "q"] . There is a Ford circle associated with every
rational number . In addition, the line "y" = 1 is counted as a Ford circle - it can be thought of as the Ford circle associated withinfinity , which is the case "p" = 1, "q" = 0.Two different Ford circles are either
disjoint ortangent to one another. No two interiors of Ford circles intersect - even though there is a Ford circle tangent to the "x"-axis at each point on it with rational co-ordinates. If "p"/"q" is between 0 and 1, the Ford circles that are tangent to C ["p"/"q"] are precisely those associated with the fractions that are the neighbours of "p"/"q" in someFarey sequence .Ford circles can also be thought of as curves in the
complex plane . The modular group of transformations of the complex plane maps Ford circles to other Ford circles.By interpreting the upper half of the complex plane as a model of the
hyperbolic plane (the Poincaré half-plane model) Ford circles can also be interpreted as a tiling of the hyperbolic plane byhorocycle s. Any two Ford circles arecongruent inhyperbolic geometry . If C ["p"/"q"] and C ["r"/"s"] are tangent Ford circles, then the half-circle joining ("p"/"q", 0) and ("r"/"s", 0) that is perpendicular to the "x"-axis is a hyperbolic line that also passes through the point where the two circles are tangent to one another.Ford circles are a sub-set of the circles in the
Apollonian gasket generated by the lines "y" = 0 and "y" = 1 and the circle C [0/1] .Total area of Ford circles
There is a link between the area of Ford circles,
Euler's totient function varphi(q) and theRiemann zeta function .As no two Ford circles intersect, it follows immediately that the total area of the Ford circles C [p,q] : 0 le frac{p}{q} < 1} is less than 1. In fact the total area of these Ford circles is given by a convergent sum, which can be evaluated.
From the definition, the area A is:A = sum_{qge 1} sum_{ (p, q)=1 atop 1 le p < q } pi left( frac{1}{2 q^2} ight)^2.
Simplifing this expression gives:A = frac{pi}{4} sum_{qge 1} frac{1}{q^4} sum_{ (p, q)=1 atop 1 le p < q } 1 =frac{pi}{4} sum_{qge 1} frac{varphi(q)}{q^4} =frac{pi}{4} frac{zeta(3)}{zeta(4)},where the last equality reflects the Dirichlet generating function of varphi(q) as documented on the page for
Euler's totient function .Since zeta(4) = pi^4/90, this finally becomes:A = frac{45}{2} frac{zeta(3)}{pi^3}approx 0.872284041.This sum was discussed on "es.ciencia.matematicas". [Antonio González, " [http://groups.google.com/group/es.ciencia.matematicas/browse_thread/thread/30bd24f51dba2443/3661cc3a6e7c7e12 Suma interesante] , es.ciencia.matematicas", in Spanish.] .
ee also
Descartes' theorem References
* [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FordCircle.html Ford Circle] and [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FareySequence.html Farey Sequence] ,MathWorld External links
* [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-9890%28193811%2945%3A9%3C586%3AF%3E2.0.CO%3B2-1 Lester R. Ford's paper, "Fractions", "American Mathematical Monthly", volume 45, number 9, pages 586-601, 1938]
* [http://www.cut-the-knot.org/proofs/fords.shtml Ford's Touching Circles] atcut-the-knot
* http://www.josleys.com/show_gallery.php?galid=272 — art and graphics based on Ford circles
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.