- Bang! Howdy
Infobox VG
title=Bang! Howdy
developer =Three Rings Design
publisher =Three Rings Design
designer =
engine =jMonkey Engine
released =2006-12-01
genre =Strategy , Western
modes = Online single- and multi-player
ratings = 13 and up
platforms = Any with Java, incl. Windows,Linux ,Mac OS X
media = Download or in-browser
requirements = 1 GHz Processor, 512MB of RAM, 64MB Video Card, OpenGL 1.2 Compliant Video Drivers,Internet access,
input =
preceded by =
followed by ="Bang! Howdy" is an online
strategy game revolving around the "Wild West ". It is made byThree Rings Design , the makers of "Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates ". Publicbeta testing ended onDecember 1 2006 and the game is now "live". There is no cost to download the game (or to play it in-browser) and start playing. Three Rings Design's website tallies the total number of "pardners", or players, at 500,000. [cite web|url=http://www.threerings.net/ | title = Three Rings Design website | dateaccessed = 2008-02-08]The setting mixes elements from a variety of related genres, such as
steampunk or Native American myth. Several of the players' available units are entirely mechanical, includingartillery and a "steam gunman", arobot boasting large wagon wheels for movement while wearing a cowboy hat. Other, more conventional units includecavalry and gunslingers. At the 2006Game Developer's Conference , Three Rings described the formula as "Chess + "Mario Kart " + Real Time/ Turn-Based +Steampunk Westerns + Secret Sauce" [http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/03/23/0750228&from=rss Slashdot coverage of "Bang! Howdy"] at the 2006Game Developers Conference ] .Gameplay
Gameplay most resembles a
turn-based tactics game with minorreal-time strategy elements added; the player (up to four players in a given match, including those controlled by the AI) chooses a set number of units, which are then laid down on a grid. Units have a set distance they can move during their turn, and a set range they can attack enemies at. However, for purposes of playing against other players, a real-time element was added: Units can only move every four "ticks", each tick roughly equivalent to five seconds, and all players' units move in tandem. The result is that gameplay moves a lot faster than it would if each player had to wait for the others to decide to move.There are currently seven different game modes. The first four are available in Frontier Town. In "Gold Rush", players send their units out to collect gold, and bring it back to their mine. "Claim Jumpin'" further allows players to steal gold from opposing players' mines. In "Cattle Branding", players' units brand cattle, while keeping their opponents from stealing their cows. "Land Grab" has homesteads to claim around the board, which are vulnerable to attack just like any unit. In all modes, play continues until time is up, and the winner is determined by the points they have at the end of the round, mostly determined by the objective, but also by the player's kills or other bonuses. Except for the objective, all game modes follow the same base rules.
The other three modes are available in the newly released Indian Trading Post. In "Wendigo Attack", players must move to safe zones or get items to protect their units from a periodic attack by demons. In "Totem Building", players get points for stacking totem elements on a base. In "Forest Guardians", the players cooperate to fight off logging robots and protect seeds as they grow into trees. In War Path (new) players fight to get their Big Shot on top and have grow the most levels.
In addition to the set number of base units (varies by map and game mode), players also may bring into play one more powerful "Big Shot" unit with special abilities, as well as cards that can be played at any time to achieve various effects. If a unit is killed, it will respawn at the owning player's base some time later.
At the end of each game, players earn
scrip (currency) based on how well they placed. In addition, players are able to use real money to purchase a separate in-game currency, "gold". Scrip can also be exchanged for gold in-game. These currencies can be used to buy cards, unlock additional units, or change the players' in-game avatar. Badges are earned for completing particular tasks, and may also unlock units, customization options, duds, or other things.Purchases on Bang Howdy
The purchases on Bang! Howdy are Gold Packs. You can send in money, a check, or pay by credit card.
Initially conceived as a bugs-themed game, the primary mechanic of "Bang! Howdy" is designed to get around the problems of both real-time and turn-based strategy. Michael Bayne, project leader of "Bang! Howdy", described RTS as "overly complex and too fast-paced", while turn-based strategy is "no fun when it's not your turn." Bayne also described the development approach as episodic, with the plan of getting the core game released quickly, and working on new towns in turn.cite web|url = http://gamasutra.com/features/20061001/ruberg_01.shtml | work =
Gamasutra | title = How The West Will Be Won: Michael Bayne on Bang! Howdy | accessdate = October 2 |accessyear = 2006 ]Reception
"Bang! Howdy" won the Technical Excellence award from the 2007
Independent Games Festival , [ [http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=13039 GDC: Independent Games Festival Awards Topped By Aquaria] ,Gamasutra ] and was a finalist for the Seumas McNally Grand Prize. [ [http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=12052 2007 Independent Games Festival Finalists Announced] ,Gamasutra ]References
External links
* [http://www.banghowdy.com "Bang! Howdy Home" Page]
*IGN : [http://mac.ign.com/objects/762/762872.html Mac] [http://pc.ign.com/objects/762/762871.html Linux] [http://pc.ign.com/objects/762/762873.html Windows]
* [http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/03/23/0750228&from=rss Slashdot coverage of "Bang! Howdy"] at the 2006Game Developers Conference
* [http://howdypedia.com/Main_Page Howdypedia] (unofficialwiki )
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