Les Benjamin

Les Benjamin

Infobox CanadianMP | name=Leslie Gordon Benjamin

predecessor=Riding created
successor= John Solomon
birth_date= April 29, 1925
birth_place=Medicine Hat, Alberta
death_date= June 16, 2003
profession= Manager, railway station agent, secretary, telegrapher
party colour=NDP
residence= Regina
riding=Regina—Lake Centre (1968-1979); Regina West (1979-1988); Regina—Lumsden (1988-1993)
spouse= Constance E. Friesen

Leslie Gordon (Les) Benjamin (April 29 1925 in Medicine Hat, Alberta - June 16 2003) was a Canadian Member of Parliament. Benjamin was first elected to the Canadian House of Commons in 1968 as a New Democratic Party MP from Saskatchewan. In parliament, as the NDP's Transport critic, he often clashed with Otto Lang over the Crow Rate that allowed subsidized rail transport for prairie farmers and was an opponent of deregulation. He retired from parliament in 1993

When Ronald Reagan addressed the Parliament of Canada in 1987, Benjamin heckled him by crying "he's mad!" [http://archives.cbc.ca/IDC-1-73-676-3871/politics_economy/presidents/clip7]

Benjamin was of Welsh heritage with his father's family coming to Canada from the Rumney Valley.

Prior to entering politics, Benjamin worked variously as a railway station agent, telegrapher and secretary.


* [http://www.billblaikie.ca/ndp.php/speechoutside/ART413f1765a2813 Appreciation of Les Benjamin] by Bill Blaikie
* [http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/people/key/bio.asp?Language=E&query=586&s=M Parliamentary biography]

s-ttl|title=Member of Parliament for Regina—Lake Centre
s-ttl|title=Member of Parliament for Regina West
s-ttl|title=Member of Parliament for Regina—Lumsden

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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