

A laugher is a slang term for one of several types of drugs, usually euphorics or stimulants, that have a tendency to make the user laugh easily and hysterically while under its influence. Examples of laughers include cannabis (in small amounts), ecstasy and speed.

Other categories into which drugs may fall include uppers, downers, screamers and psychedelics.

Laughers are not always stimulants. When under the influence of certain sedative drugs such as marijuana or hashish, the user can get the "giggles" and can laugh for no apparent reason for long periods of time. When taken in small doses, the psilocybin mushroom can cause euphoria and make the user giggle and laugh.


* [ Drug Rehab & Treatment Centers] Includes information about various drugs and their effects

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  • Laugher — Laugh er, n. 1. One who laughs. [1913 Webster] 2. A variety of the domestic pigeon. [1913 Webster] 3. A contest in which one side wins easily; a lopsided victory. [Informal] [PJC] 4. A blatantly false statement, especially a self serving one.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • laugher — [laf′ər, läf′ər] n. 1. one that laughs ☆ 2. Informal a contest won by a wide margin; easy victory …   English World dictionary

  • laugher — laugh ► VERB 1) make the sounds and movements that express lively amusement and sometimes also derision. 2) (laugh at) make fun of; ridicule. 3) (laugh off) dismiss by (something) treating it light heartedly. 4) (be laughing) informal be in a… …   English terms dictionary

  • laugher — noun Date: 15th century 1. one that laughs 2. something (as a game) that is easily won or handled …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • laugher — /laf euhr, lah feuhr/, n. 1. a person who laughs. 2. Informal. a contest or competition in which one person or team easily overwhelms another; easy victory. [1375 1425; late ME: see LAUGH, ER1] * * * …   Universalium

  • laugher — noun /ˈlæfə,ˈlɑːfə,ˈlæfɚ/ a) One who laughs. b) A variety of the domestic pigeon …   Wiktionary

  • laugher — n. one who laughs, one who giggles, one who snickers …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • laugher — laugh•er [[t]ˈlæf ər, ˈlɑ fər[/t]] n. 1) cvb a person who laughs 2) cvb inf Informal. a contest or competition in which one person or team easily overwhelms another; easy victory • Etymology: 1375–1425 …   From formal English to slang

  • laugher — noun 1. a person who is laughing or who laughs easily • Derivationally related forms: ↑laugh • Hypernyms: ↑person, ↑individual, ↑someone, ↑somebody, ↑mortal, ↑soul …   Useful english dictionary

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