Miracle Beach Provincial Park

Miracle Beach Provincial Park

Miracle Beach Provincial Park is a provincial park in British Columbia, Canada, located at Black Creek on the eastern shore of Vancouver Island between Comox and Campbell River.

Vegetation in the park is typical for the region's forests with Douglas-fir most prominent. Common associates include Western hemlock, Sitka spruce, red alder and bigleaf maple. Salal is the most abundant shrub. Most of the park's soils were mapped as well-drained gravelly loamy sands or sandy loams and classified as brown podzolic in a soil survey published in 1959; however, the abundance of bleached sand grains on forest trails is evidence of an albic horizon characteristic of podzols.

The Strait of Georgia forms the park's eastern boundary. Sandy beaches are extensive, especially at low tide. Black Creek, which flows through the park, is a spawning area for salmon.

Miracle Beach Nature House

The Miracle Beach Nature House is a nature centre located in the park. The centre features natural history displays and offers seasonal environmental education programs for school groups and the general public. RLC Enterprize manages the Miracle Beach Nature House.


Coordinates: 49°51′00″N 125°06′00″W / 49.85°N 125.1°W / 49.85; -125.1

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