
A bottle of Nux Alpina Nocino

Nocino is a sticky dark brown liqueur from the Emilia-Romagna region in Northern Italy. It is made from unripe green walnuts steeped in spirit. It has an aromatic but bittersweet flavor. It may be homemade, and is also available commercially in bottled form. Commercially available Nocino is typically 40% alcohol by volume, or 80 proof.

Nocino is believed to have originally been produced by the Celts, and, during the Middle Ages, Italian monasteries used nocino for its medicinal properties and also as an alcoholic treat.[1][2]

Ordine del Nocino Modenese is an association of Spilamberto, Province of Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy which, since 1978, promotes the traditional Nocino of Modena.

Nocino is also produced in New Zealand by NewZino, under the name "NutZino Walnut Liqueur [1] and in Australia by Timboon Railway Shed Distillery in Timboon, Victoria.[2]

In Modena The Typical Walnut of Modena Roll of Tasters "Il Matraccio has for years been operating a no-profit company which aims to spread this product through the worlds first travelling school for Walnut of Modena tasters: "Nocinando". Furthermore, in collaboration with the municipality of Castelfranco Emilia, the association organizes "Nocinopoli"The Nocino Town: a night in which everything is related to Nocino, the real star of the event. The event takes place in the heart of Castelfranco Emilia every third Wednesday of July: the main street Via Emilia, which as the others streets and squares of the city centre changes its name, is closed to traffic to permit the stalls to expose high quality products of territory of Modena. Besides the inevitable Nocino (with all its derivatives), which acts as landlord, there are other products such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena, Prosciutto di Modena, Lambrusco, musk melon, Borlenghi, Ciacci, Crescentine and much more from other Italian provinces and regions invited for the occasion.

See also


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