

name = Bissektipelta|

image_width = 200px
image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
superordo = Dinosauria
ordo = Ornithischia
subordo = Ankylosauria
familia = Ankylosauridae
genus = "Bissektipelta"
species = "B. archibaldi"
binomial = "Bissektipelta archibaldi"
binomial_authority = Averianov, 2002, vide Parish & Barrett, 2004

"Bissektipelta" (Averianov, 2002) is an ankylosaurid dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Uzbekistan. The holotype (ZIN PH 1/6) and only known specimen was collected from the Bissekty Formation (lateTuronian-Coniacian), of Dzharakuduk, and the name "Bissektipelta" refers to this geological formation ("Bissekt" + Greek "pelte" = "shield"). The holotype consists of a braincase and incomplete skull roof, along with isolated teeth and osteoderms. Originally, this material was referred to the genus "Amtosaurus"," but was reassigned to a new taxon when that genus was declared a "nomen dubium". "Bissektipelta" is presently monospecific, containing only "B. archibaldi". The holotype was collected in September of 1998 by the joint Usbek-Russian-British-American-Project. This specimen can be distinguished from "A. magnus" in having three exits for "N. hypoglossus" (XII) instead of two, by the lesser angle between ventral surfaces of basisoccipital and basisphenoid, and by the more caudally situated basispterygoid processes.


*Aviarianov, A. O. 2002. An ankylosaurid (Ornithischia: Ankylosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan. Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belg. Sci. Terre 72:97-110.
*Parish, Jolyon & Paul Barrett, 2004. A reappraisal of the ornithischian dinosaur "Amtosaurus magnus" Kurzanov and Tumanova 1978, with comments on the status of "A. archibaldi" Averianov 2002. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 41 (3): 299-306.



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