

In Norse mythology, Gimlé (alternately Gimli) was a place where the survivors of Ragnarok were to live. It is mentioned in the Prose Edda and Völuspá and described as the most beautiful place on Earth, more beautiful than the Sun.

Contemporary uses

*There is a small town in Manitoba, Canada, named Gimli, founded by Icelandic settlers in 1875. It is noted for a large Viking statue and annual [ Icelandic Festival] .
*Gimle is also a part of the Frogner district in Oslo. Most known is the Gimle Cinema.
*Gimle was also the name of the house lived in by Vidkun Quisling in Oslo during World War II.
*Gimle is the name of a non-profit live music venue in Roskilde. Supported by the Roskilde Festival, the venue is run by volunteers.
*The name has a literary and film connection to the character of Gimli Elf-friend, the dwarf member of the Fellowship of the Ring. In the Nynorsk translation of "The Lord of the Rings", he appears under the name of "Gimle".

External links

* [ Annual Icelandic Festival of Gimli, Manitoba]
* [ Volunteer based music venue in Roskilde, Danmark]

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