- Fujiwara no Yoshifusa
and Fujiwara no Mitsuko.
A skillful politician, he managed to set up his own grandson as the emperor
Emperor Seiwa , with himself acting as regent andde facto ruler. He was the first regent (Sessho) inJapan ese history who was not himself of imperial rank.Yoshifusa is referred to as "Chūjin Kō" (忠仁公) (posthumous name as Daijō Daijin).
Jōwa 1, on the 9th day of the 7th month (834):Sangi (参議)
* Jōwa 2 (835): Gon-no-Chūnagon (権中納言)
* Jōwa 7 (840):Chūnagon (中納言)
* Jōwa 9 (842):Dainagon (大納言)
* Jōwa 15, on the 10th day of the 1st month (848):Udaijin (右大臣)
*Saikō 4, on the 19th day of the 2nd month (857):Daijō Daijin (太政大臣)
*Ten'an 2, on the 7th day of the 11th month (858): Sessho (摂政) forEmperor Seiwa
*Jōgan 14, on the 2nd day of the 9th month (October 7 ,872 ): Yoshifusa died at the age of 69.Marriages and children
He was married to Minamoto no Kiyohime (源潔姫), daughter of
Emperor Saga .They had only one daughter.
* Akirakeiko/"Meishi" (明子) (829-899), consort ofEmperor Montoku He adopted his brother Nagara's third son.
*Mototsune (基経) (836-891) -Daijō Daijin and KampakuReferences
* Owada, T. et al. (2003). ‘’Nihonshi Shoka Keizu Jimmei Jiten’’. Kōdansya. (Japanese)
* Kodama, K.. (1978). ‘’Nihon-shi Shō-jiten, Tennō’’. Kondō Shuppan-sha. (Japanese)
* Kasai, M. (1991). ‘’Kugyō Bunin Nenpyō’’. Yamakawa Shuppan-sha (Japanese)
* Hioki, S. (1990). ‘’Nihon Keifu Sōran’’. Kōdansya. (Japanese)ee also
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