- Siegfried Uiberreither
Siegfried Uiberreither (born
29 March 1908 inSalzburg ; died29 December 1984 ? or possibly7 January 1986 ?) was a NaziGauleiter inStyria ,Austria in the time of theThird Reich .In 1924, Uiberreither joined the Schill Youth ("Schilljugend"). He studied
law and worked as a construction aid worker. In 1930 he became a secretary for the Workers' Sickness Fund ("Arbeiterkrankenkasse") inGraz . In 1931, he joined the SA, and in 1933 he graduated from his studies as a Doctor of Law. In 1937 Uiberreither was leader of the illegal SA Brigade Steiermark, and in 1938 he became an SABrigadeführer . That same year, which saw Austria'sAnschluss withNazi Germany , he also became the Commissary Police Director for Graz, and on25 May 1938 , he was appointed Gauleiter of Styria [http://www.lib.uconn.edu/online/research/speclib/ASC/Nuremberg/witness_Uiberreither.htm] .The years 1939 and 1940 were ones of
military service for Uiberreither, who became a mountain trooper ("Gebirgsjäger") and participated in the German landing inNorway . In April 1940, he was discharged from theWehrmacht with the rank oflieutenant .In 1940, Uiberreither became Reich Governor ("Reichsstatthalter") of Styria, in 1941 Chief of the Civil Administration in the occupied areas of
Yugoslavia n "Lower Styria", and in 1942, also the Reich Defence Commissar for theGau of Styria. In 1943, he was promoted to SAObergruppenführer . In 1944 he was the leader of the "Volkssturm " in Styria, a last-ditch home guard set up onAdolf Hitler 's order's towards the end of theSecond World War .In May 1945, after the Allies had overrun the Reich and Hitler was dead, Uiberreither was arrested and later compelled to testify as a witness at the
Nuremberg Trials .In 1947, Uiberreither fled when it became clear that there was the threat of being handed over to Yugoslavia. After this, there are clues to his having spent a while in
Argentina before he eventually – as it is supposed – went to live with his family inSindelfingen under a false name.The date and place of Uiberreither's death are not known with any certainty.
External links
* [http://www.lib.uconn.edu/online/research/speclib/ASC/Nuremberg/witness_Uiberreither.htm Sworn statement from Siegfried Uiberreither in connection with the Nuremberg Trials]
* [http://www.gottschee.de/Dateien/20%20Jhd/Web%20Englisch/Petschauer/20%20cen%2002.htm Photos of Siegfried Uiberreither] (skip down about 3/5 of page)
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