Biconjugate gradient method

Biconjugate gradient method

In mathematics, more specifically in numerical analysis, the biconjugate gradient method is an algorithm to solve systems of linear equations

:A x= b.,

Unlike the conjugate gradient method, this algorithm does not require the matrix A to be self-adjoint, but instead one needs to perform multiplications by the conjugate transpose A^*.

The algorithm

# Choose x_0, y_0, a regular preconditioner M (frequently M^{-1}=1 is used) and c;
# r_0 leftarrow b-A x_0, s_0 leftarrow c-A^* y_0,;
# d_0 leftarrow M^{-1} r_0, f_0 leftarrow M^{-*} s_0,;
# for k=0, 1, dots, do
# alpha_k leftarrow {s^*_k M^{-1} r_k over f_k^* A d_k},;
# x_{k+1} leftarrow x_k+ alpha_k d_k, left( y_{k+1} leftarrow y_k + overline{alpha_k} f_k ight),;
# r_{k+1} leftarrow r_k- alpha_k A d_k ,, s_{k+1} leftarrow s_k- overline{alpha_k} A^* f_k , (r_k=b-A x_k and s_k= c- A^* y_k are the residuums);
# eta_k leftarrow {s_{k+1}^* M^{-1} r_{k+1} over s^*_k M^{-1} r_k},;
# d_{k+1} leftarrow M^{-1} r_{k+1} + eta_k d_k,, f_{k+1} leftarrow M^{-*} s_{k+1} + overline{eta_k} f_k,.


The BiCG method is numerically unstable, but very important from theoretical point of view: Define the iteration steps by x_k:=x_j+ P_k A^{-1}left(b - A x_j ight) and y_k:=y_j+A^{-*}P_k^*left(c-A^* y_j ight) (j) using the related projection:P_k:= mathbf{u_k} left(mathbf{v_k}^* A mathbf{u_k} ight)^{-1} mathbf{v_k}^* A,where mathbf{u_k}=left(u_0, u_1, dots u_{k-1} ight) and mathbf{v_k}=left(v_0, v_1, dots v_{k-1} ight). These related projections may be iterated themselves, as :P_{k+1}= P_k+ left( 1-P_k ight) u_k otimes {v_k^* Aleft(1-P_k ight) over v_k^* Aleft(1-P_k ight) u_k}.

The new directions d_k:= left(1-P_k ight) u_k and f_k:= left( A left(1- P_k ight) A^{-1} ight)^* v_k then are orthogonal to the residuums: v_i^* r_k= f_i^* r_k=0 and s_k^* u_j = s_k^* d_j= 0, which themselves satisfy r_k= A left( 1- P_k ight) A^{-1} r_j and s_k= left( 1- P_k ight) ^* s_j(i,j).

The biconjugate gradient method now makes a special choice and uses the setting :u_k:= M^{-1} r_k and v_k:=M^{-*} s_k.This special choice allows to avoid direct evaluations of P_k and A^{-1}, and subsequently leads to the algorithm as stated above.


* If A= A^* is self-adjoint, y_0= x_0 and c=b, then r_k= s_k, d_k= f_k, and the conjugate gradient method produces the same sequence x_k= y_k.

* In finite dimensions x_n=A^{-1}b, at the latest when P_n=1: The biconjugate gradient method returns the exact solution after iterating the full space and thus is a direct method.

* The sequences produced by the algorithm are biorthogonal: f_i^* A d_j = 0 and s_i^* M^{-1} r_j=0 for i e j.

* if p_{j'} is a polynomial with degleft( p_{j'} ight) +j , then s_k^* p_{j'}left(M^{-1} A ight) u_j=0. The algorithm thus produces projections onto the Krylov subspace;

* if p_{i'} is a polynomial with i+degleft( p_{i'} ight) , then v_i^* p_{i'}left(A M^{-1} ight) r_k=0.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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