- The History of the United States of America 1801 - 1817 (book)
"The History of the United States of America 1801 - 1817", also known as "The History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison", is a nine volume history written by American
intellectual Henry Adams.Outline
History of the United States During the First Administration of Thomas Jefferson
Volume One
I. Physical and Economical Conditions
II. Popular Characteristics
III. Intellect of New England
IV. Intellect of the Middle States
V. Intellect of the Southern States
VI. American Ideals
VII. The Inauguration
VIII. Organization
IX. The Annual Message
X. Legislation
XII. Personalities
XIII. The Spanish Court
XIV. The Retrocession
XV. Toussaint Louverture
XVI. Closure of the Mississippi
XVII. Monroe's Mission
Volume Two
I. Rupture of the Peace of Amiens
II. The Louisiana Treaty
III. Claim to West Florida
IV. Constitutional Difficulties
V. The Louisiana Debate
VI. Louisiana Legislation
VII. Impeachments
VIII. Conspiracies
IX. The Yazoo Claims
X. Trial of Justice Chase
XI. Quarrel with Yrujo
XII. Pinckney's Diplomacy
XIII. Monroe and Talleyrand
XIV. Relations with England
XV. Cordiality with England
XVI. Anthony Merry
XVII. Jefferson's Enemies
XVIII. England and Tripoli
History of the United States During the Second Administration of Thomas Jefferson
Volume One
I. Internal Improvement
II. Monroe's Diplomacy
III. Cabinet Vacillations
IV. Between France and England
V. The Florida Message
VI. The Two-Million Act
VII. John Randolph's Schism
VIII. Madison's Enemies
IX. Domestic Affairs
X. Burr's Schemes
XI. Burr's Preparations
XII. Escape past Fort Massac
XIII. Clairborne and Wilkinson
XIV. Collapse of the Conspiracy
XV. Session of 1806 - 1807
XVI. The Berlin Decree
XVII. Monroe's Treaty
XVIII. Rejection of Monroe's Treaty
XIX. Burr's Trial
Volume Two
I. The "Chesapeake" and the "Leopard"
II. Demands and Disavowals
III. Perceval and Canning
IV. The Orders in Council
V. No More Neutrals
VI. Insults and Popularity
VII. The Embargo
VIII. The Mission of George Rose
IX. Measures of Defence
X. The Rise of a British Party
XI. The Enforcement of Embargo
XII. The Cost of Embargo
XIII. The Dos de Maio
XIV. England's Reply to the Embargo
XV. Failure of Embargo
XVI. Perplexity and Confusion
XVII. Diplomacy and Conspiracy
XVIII. General Factiousness
XIX. Repeal of Embargo
XX. Jefferson's Retirement
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