

name = "Alocodon"|
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
superordo = Dinosauria
ordo = Ornithischia
genus = "Alocodon"
genus_authority = Thulborn, 1973
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Alocodon kuehnei"

"Alocodon" (a-LOK-o-don) is the name given to a genus of dinosaur discovered by Thulborn in 1973, whose Greek components, "alox" and "odon" mean respectively, 'furrow' and 'tooth'. It had small ornithopod-like teeth with vertical grooves. This animal is only known from these teeth, and is usually considered a nomen dubium.

The type species is "Alocodon kuehnei", the specific epithet honoring the German paleontologist Kühne.Though at first is was considered a hypsilophodontid, Paul Sereno (1991) regarded "A. kuehnei" as an Ornithischia "incertae sedis". Further studies indicate this species as a probable thyreophoran. This genus of dinosaur lived in the Middle Jurassic of what is now Portugal.

External links

* [ "Alocodon" in The Dinosaur Encyclopaedia] at Dino Russ' Lair
* [ "Alocodon"] at DinoData

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