- Bruno Tesch (antifascist)
Bruno Guido Camillo Tesch (April, 22 1913 - August 1, 1933 ) was a German anti fascist. Aged 20, he was convicted of
murder and executed in connection with the Altona Bloody Sunday ("Altonaer Blutsonntag") riot, an SA march on17 July 1932 that turned violent and led to 18 people being shot dead. [ [http://www.asfpg.de/english/4763/17330.html asfpg ~ Altonaer Stiftung für philosophische Grundlagenforschung ] ] His conviction was overturned in November 1992.Life
Born in
Kiel to an Italian mother, Tesch spent his childhood inItaly before moving to live with his stepfather inHamburg in 1925, where he was an apprenticeplumber . Finding himself unemployed after hisapprenticeship was over, he entered the "Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst" (FAD), or Volunteer Work Service. Politically radical, he joined theSocialist Worker Youth ("Sozialistische Arbeiterjugend") in 1930, but soon switched to theYoung Communist League of Germany ("Kommunistischer Jugendverband Deutschlands").Altona Bloody Sunday
On 17 July 1932, later known in German history as the "Altonaer Blutsonntag", some Communists, with Tesch among them, tried to disrupt a march by the National Socialists (Nazis) in Altona through a working-class area. Arguments and shoving escalated, culminating in gunfire that killed two SA members and 16 others, the latter group likely by uncontrolled police gunfire. Tesch, who was involved in the violence, was later alleged to have fired shots in the incident.
After the Nazis had seized power, the case was brought before the Nazi Special Court ("Sondergericht") in Altona. Although the investigation turned up no solid proof of Tesch's guilt, and it could not be proved that Tesch had brought a weapon to the demonstration, he was nonetheless sentenced to death along with
Walter Möller , Karl Wolff andAugust Lütgens . WhenHermann Göring refused to commute the sentences of the four, [cite news
title=Back to the Axe!
work=Time Magazine
accessdate=2008-08-09] on1 August 1933 , in the courthouse courtyard – now home to Altona's Local Court – they were beheaded. These were the first executions in theThird Reich .Memorials and acquital
Arnold Zweig 's 1947 book "The Axe of Wandsbek" was written about Altona Bloody Sunday and was subsequently turned into a film. [cite news
title=Movies: About Das Beil Von Wandsbek
work=New York Times
accessdate=2008-08-09] InEast Germany , a school inKlausdorf as well as a street inWismar were named after Bruno Tesch. Despite political resistance, a formercomprehensive school in Hamburg-Altona was named after Bruno Tesch.All those sentenced to death had their convictions overturned on
13 November 1992 by the Hamburg State Court. Further sentences meted out by the Sondergericht in connection with the Altonaer Blutsonntag were reversed on21 June 1996 and29 June 1998 .References
External links
* [http://www.gdw-berlin.de/bio/ausgabe_mit-e.php?id=351 Biography at German Resistance Memorial Center]
* [http://www.hh.shuttle.de/hh/btg/bruno_tesch.htm Biography]
* [http://www.hamburg.de/Behoerden/Pressestelle/Meldungen/tagesmeldungen/1998/juli/w31/fr/news.htm Urteil aufgehoben / Media report 1998] (both in German)
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