BAC or Bac may refer to:


"The abbreviation BAC can refer to:

*BACEngine data search tool
*Badminton Asia Confederation, an Asian governing body for badminton
*Bank of America, N.A., under the New York Stock Exchange ticker symbol system
*Basic Airborne Course (United States Army Airborne School)
*Basic Access Control used in biometric passports
*Battersea Arts Centre
*Belmont Abbey College
*Benedicta Arts Center
*Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
*The Big Apple Chorus
*Birds Australia Capricornia, a regional group of Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union
*Blood Alcohol Content
*Born Again Christian
*Boeing Airplane Company, the former name of Boeing Commercial Airplanes
*The Boston Architectural College, formerly known as The Boston Architectural Center.
*Broughton Anglican College, a school in Menangle, New South Wales, Australia
*The Bristol Aeroplane Company (1920-1956), British Aircraft Corporation (since 1959)
*Business Availability Center, Part of Mercury suite of application, BAC is a primary tool that helps to monitor real user data, infrastructure metrics and end user experience. HP acquired Mercury at Feb 2007 and BAC now is in part of HP monitoring suite.
*International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers
*Burlingame Aquatic Club - a swim team based at Burlingame High School.


*Bacterial artificial chromosome
*Blood alcohol content or blood alcohol concentration

hort forms

Bac can also be used as a short form:
*BAC is the shortened form of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, a type of lung cancer often diagnosed in nonsmokers. (When pronounced it is spelled out B-A-C.)
*Bac is often used as a shortened form for "Baccalaureate".
*Bac can also refer to the word "back" in IM or text messaging. However, this abbreviation is rare.
*.BAC was the filetype used by the RSTS/E timesharing system for compiled BASIC-PLUS files.


*Bâc, a Moldovan river.

See also

* Bač

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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