Richard Berg

Richard Berg

Richard Berg is a prolific wargame designer, and recipient of the Charles S. Roberts Hall of Fame Award in 1987. Notable games include "SPQR" and "The Campaign for North Africa".

He was the editor and publisher of the now defunct "Berg's Review of Games".


Richard Berg designed or co-designed the following [] .

*"The Conquerors" (SPI)
*"Druid" (West End Games)
*"Julius Caesar" (TSR-SPI)
*"The Great Battles of Alexander" (GMT)
*"Juggernaut" (GMT)
*"War Elephant" (GMT)
*"Consul for Rome" (GMT)
*"Pyrrhic Victory" (GMT)
*"The Great Battles of Julius Caesar" (GMT)
*"Africanus" (GMT)
*"Chicken of the Sea" (GPG)
*"The Great Battles of Alexander Deluxe Edition" (GMT)
*"Dictator" (GMT)
*"Diadochoi" (GMT)
*"Successors" (AH)
*"Jugurtha" (GMT)
*"Phalanx" (GMT)
*"Caesar: The Conquest of Gaul" (GMT)
*"War Galley" (GMT)
*"Cataphract" (GMT)
*"Salamis" (GMT)
*"Veni, Vidi, Vici" (GMT)
*"Caratacus" (GMT)
*"Simple GBoH" (GMT)
*"Caesar in Alexandria" (GMT)
*"Nero" (Phalanx)
*"Attila" (GMT)
*"Tyrant" (GMT)
*"Ancient World, Rise of the Roman Republic" (GMT)
*"Zama" (BSO)
*"Alesia" (GMT)
*"Carthage" (GMT)
*"Pax Romana" (GMT)
*"Mamluk" (GMT)
*"The Crusades" (SPI)
*"Constantinople" (SPI)
*"Soldiers of the Queen" (S&T-TSR)
*"Hastings, 1066" (S&T-TSR)
*"Lion of the North" (GMT)
*"The Battles of Waterloo" (GMT)
*"A Famous Victory" (MiH)
*"Fields of Glory" (MiH)
*"Rivoli 1797" (Vae Victis)
*"Kingdom for a Horse" (BSO)
*"Devil’s Horsemen" (BSO)
*"Les Pyramides" (Vae Victis)
*"Zurich, 1799" (Vae Victis)
*"Triumph & Glory" (GMT)
*"Simon Says" (BSO)
*"Risorgimento 1859" (GMT)
*"The Last Raid" (BSO)
*"Longbow" (BSO)
*"The Last Crusade" (BSO)
*"Waterloo" (Phalanx)
*"The Marlborough Man" (BSO)
*"Zulu!" (BSO)
*"The Prince" (Phalanx)
*"Borodino" (GMT)
*"Highlander" (BSO)
*"Suleiman the Magnificent" (ATO)
*"Men of Iron" (GMT)
*"Manchu" (S&T-3W)
*"Shogun Triumphant" (XTR)
*"Samurai" (GMT)
*"Devil’s Horsemen" (GMT)
*"The Campaign for North Africa" (SPI)
*"The Desert Fox" (SPI)
*"Battle for North Africa" (GMT)
*"June 6" (GMT)
*"Greek Tragedy" (BSO)
*"Bitter Victory" (BSO)
*"Conquistador" (SPI, AH)
*"Vera Cruz" (SPI)
*"Birth of a Nation" (3W)
*"13: The Colonies in Revolt" (S&T-TSR)
*"Blackbeard" (Avalon Hill)
*"Geronimo" (Avalon Hill)
*"Las Batallas de los Gringos" (BSO)
*"Line of Fire" (BSO)
*"Rough & Ready" (S&T/Decision)
*"Dillinger" (BSO)
*"Gringo" (GMT)
*"Carolina Rebels" (BSO)
*"Turning Point" (BSO)
*"Hooker and Lee" (SPI)
*"Terrible Swift Sword" (1st Ed, SPI; 2nd Ed, TSR)
*"Bloody April" (SPI)
*"Murfreesboro" (Yaquinto)
*"Corinth" (SPI)
*"A Gleam of Bayonets" (SPI-TSR)
*"South Mountain" (West End Games)
*"Shiloh" (West End Games)
*"Rebel Sabers" (SPI-TSR)
*"The Horse Soldiers" (S&T-3W)
*"The Guns of Cedar Creek" (SD)
*"Baton Rouge" (S&T-3W)
*"First Blood" (SD)
*"1862" (SD)
*"Dead of Winter" (SD)
*"Rio Grande" (S&T/DG)
*"1863" (GMT)
*"Chancellorsville" (Clash of Arms)
*"War of the Rebellion" (DG)
*"The Three Days of Gettysburg" (GMT)
*"Glory" (GMT)
*"River of Death" (GMT)
*"Confederate Rails" (BSO)
*"Red Badge of Courage" (GMT)
*"Across the Rappahannock" (GMT)
*"East-West" (BSO)
*"Louisiana Tigers" (BSO)
*"SPI Baseball" (SPI)
*"SPI Football" (SPI)
*"BSO Football (BSO)
*"The War of the Ring" (SPI)
*"Gondor" (SPI)

External links

* [ BERGBROG] - Berg's personal web site.
* [ GMT games bio on Richard Berg]
*bgg designer|135

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