- Siconulf of Salerno
Siconulf (also "Siconolf", "Sikenolf", "Siconolfo", or "Siconulfus") was the first
prince of Salerno , the brother of Sicard,prince of Benevento (832-839), who was assassinated by Radelchis. In response to his Sicard's murder, the people ofSalerno proclaimed Siconulf prince in opposition to Radelchis. At the time Radelchis was holding Siconulf prisoner inTaranto . A group of people from the cities ofSalerno andAmalfi went there under the guise of being Amalfian merchants, and rescued Siconulf from prison, bringing him to Salerno.(Kreutz, Barbara M. Before the Normans: South Italy in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. (University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, 1991) p. 23.It was Radelchis who first called in the aid of the
Saracens against Siconulf in 841, though Siconulf soon retaliated by doing the same against his opponent. The war lasted ten years, during which the Saracen ravages worsened and churches were despoiled. Finally, in 849, theking of Italy , Louis II, came down intoSouthern Italy and confirmed the division of the Beneventan principality, forcing the two rivals to sign a peace and making Siconulf prince of Salerno. The major cities in the new principality wereTaranto ,Cassano ,Cosenza ,Paestum ,Conza ,Sarno , Cimitile (Nola ),Capua ,Teano , and Sora. He died soon after and was succeeded by his son Sico.ources
*Gwatkin, H. M., Whitney, J. P., edd. "The Cambridge Medieval History: Volume III". Cambridge University Press, 1926.
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