- Joseph W. Boyle
Joseph Whiteside Boyle (born
16 November 1867 inToronto, Ontario , died14 April 1923 inHampton Hill ,Middlesex , England), better known as Klondike Joe Boyle, was a Canadian adventurer who became a businessman and entrepreneur in theUnited Kingdom .Boyle was early to recognize the potential of large-scale
gold mining in theKlondike gold fields, and as the initialplacer mining operations waned after 1900, Boyle and other companies imported equipment to assemble enormousdredge s, usually electric-powered, that took millions more ounces of gold from the creeks while turning the landscape upside-down, shifting creeks.Boyle organized a
hockey team in 1905, often known as theDawson City Nuggets , that endured a difficult journey toOttawa, Ontario (by overland sled, train, coastal steamer, then trans-continental train) to play the Ottawa Senators for theStanley Cup , which until 1924 was awarded to the top hockey team inCanada and could be challenged for by a team. Ottawa thrashed the Dawson team.During
World War I , Boyle organized amachine gun company, giving the soldiers insignia made of gold, to fight in Europe. The unit was incorporated into larger units of theCanadian Army .Boyle also distinguished himself in
Romania , serving the king and queen of that country during the war, helping to protect the country from theCentral Powers and to operate Romania's railroads. He also mounted a daring rescue operation in which he swindled a number of captive soldiers back to Romania and successfully petitioned to new Bolshevik government in Russia to return the Romanian Crown Jewels from their storage in the Kremlin. He was awarded the special title of "Saviour of Romania" for these and many other deeds. He remained a close friend, and was at one time a possible lover of the Romanian Queen, British-bornMarie of Edinburgh .Boyle is presently buried in his Canadian home town of
Woodstock, Ontario , after being buried for 50 years in Hampton Hill.Somehow, he became a confidant, and maybe more, of Queen Marie of Romania, Queen Victoria's granddaughter.
On the Queen's behalf, Boyle negotiated the first peace treaty of Versailles and organized millions of dollars of Canadian relief for Romanians, earning the title of hero.
He was decorated for his exploits by the governments of Russia, France, Britain and Romania.
His relationship with the queen remains something of a mystery.
Some historians speculated they were lovers and point to a mysterious woman in black who brought flowers to his grave every year on the anniversary of his death in 1923.
Queen Marie died in 1938 and nobody appeared at his grave after that year, so it was always thought that she was the mystery woman.
External links
* [http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?&id_nbr=7794 Biography at the "Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online"]
* [http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/projects/canadianhistory/josephboyle/josephboyle.html "Joseph Boyle"]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.