

Vomero is a hill and "quartiere" of Naples, Italy.


To the north, Vomero borders the quarter of Arenella, to the west; Soccavo and Fuorigrotta, to the south; Chiaia, to the east; Montecalvario and to the north east; Avvocata.


The name probably derives from its ancient agricultural function and from the word "vomere" (ploughshare). Due to the field work done here, the area for centuries was nicknamed "Hill of Broccolis".

Nowadays Vomero is a residential zone that has conserved little from this rural past. Since the beginning of the 20th century the area has had a dramatic increase in residential housing. During this period, numerous dwellings were built around Villa Floridiana, Castel Sant'Elmo and San Martino, including villas in the late Art Nouveau style and large apartment houses for the upper middle class. Nevertheless, there are still historic buildings near the above-named monuments, such as the Villa del Pontano and an old building of the Bourbon customs office. Both are situated in the neighbourhood of Antignano, one of the most popular and oldest of Vomero. After the Second World War the quarter began to expand to the hill of Camaldoli.


The new underground train system has contributed to speed up the public transport system and to ease traffic congestion in the last few years. It now connects Vomero with the city centre and the northern suburban quarters.

Culture and sport

Internapoli Camaldoli S.S.D. are the area's main football team.


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