William Henry Ireland

William Henry Ireland

William Henry Ireland (2 August 1775 – 17 April 1835 [ [http://www.nndb.com/people/180/000104865/http://www.nndb.com/people/180/000104865/] ] ) was a forger of would-be Shakespearean documents and plays. He is less well-known as a poet, writer of gothic novels and histories. Although he was apparently christened William-Henry, he was known as Samuel through much of his life (apparently after a brother who died in childhood), and many sources list his name as Samuel William Henry Ireland.

Early life

Although Ireland claimed throughout his life that he was born in London in 1777, recently discovered evidence puts his birth two years earlier, on 2 August 1775. Schoenbaum, "Shakespeare Forgeries," p. 118] His father, Samuel Ireland, was a successful publisher of travelogues, collector of antiquities and collector of Shakespearian plays and "relics". There was at the time, and still is, a great paucity of writing in the hand of Shakespeare. Of his 37 plays, there is not one copy in his own writing, not a scrap of correspondence from Shakespeare to a friend, fellow writer, patron, producer or publisher. Forgery would fill this void.

Son William also became a collector of books. In many later recollections Ireland described his fascination with the works and the glorious death of the forger Thomas Chatterton, and probably knew the Ossian poems of James Macpherson. When he was apprenticed to a mortgage lawyer, Ireland begun to experiment with blank, genuinely old papers and forged signatures on them. Eventually he forged several documents until he was ready to present them to his father.

First forgeries

In December 1794, William told his father that he had discovered a cache of old documents belonging to an acquaintance who wanted to remain unnamed, and that one of them was a deed with a signature of Shakespeare in it. He gave the documentwhich he had of course made himselfto his overjoyed father, who had been looking for just that kind of signature for years.

Ireland went on to make more findingsa promissory note, a written declaration of Protestant faith, letters to Anne Hathaway (with a lock of hair attached), and to Queen Elizabethall supposedly in Shakespeare's hand. He claimed that all came from the chest of the anonymous friend. He "found" books with Shakespeare's notes in the margins and "original" manuscripts for "Hamlet" and "King Lear." The supposed experts of the day authenticated them all.

On 24 December 1795, Samuel Ireland published his own book about the papers, a lavishly illustrated and expensively produced set of facsimiles and transcriptions of the papers called "Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the Hand and Seal of William Shakespeare" (the book bears the publication date 1796). More people took interest in the matter and the plot begun to unravel.

"The Solemn Mockery"

In 1795, Ireland became bolder and produced a whole new play – "Vortigern and Rowena." After extensive negotiations, Irish playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan acquired rights for the first production of the play at London's Drury Lane Theatre for 300 pounds, and a promise of half of all profits to the Irelands.

Sheridan read the play and noticed it was relatively simplistic compared to Shakespeare's "other" works. John Philip Kemble, actor and manager of Drury Lane Theatre, later claimed he had serious doubts about its authenticity; he also suggested that the play appear on April Fool's Day, though Samuel Ireland objected, and the play was moved to the next day.

Although the Shakespeare papers had prominent believers (including James Boswell), skeptics had questioned their authenticity from the beginning, and as the premiere of "Vortigern" approached, the press was filled with arguments over whether the papers were genuine or forgeries. On 31 March 1796, Shakespearean scholar Edmond Malone published his own exhaustive study, "An Inquiry into the Authenticity of Certain Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments", about the supposed papers. His attack on the papers, stretching to more than 400 densely printed pages, showed convincingly that the papers could be nothing other than modern forgeries. Although believers tried to hold their ground, scholars were convinced by Malone's arguments.

"Vortigern and Rowena" opened on 2 April 1796, just two days after Malone's book appeared. Contemporary accounts differ in details, but most agree the first three acts went smoothly, and the audience listened respectfully. Late in the play, though, Kemble used the chance to hint at his opinion by repeating Vortigern's line "and when this solemn mockery is o'er." Malone's supporters had filled the theater, and the play was greeted with the audience's catcalls. The play had only one performance, and was not revived until 1997 Fact|date=May 2008.

Forgeries exposed

When critics closed in and accused Samuel Ireland of forgery, his son published a confession – "An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts" – but many critics could not believe a young man could have forged them all by himself. One paper published a caricature in which William Henry is awed by the findings when the rest of the family forges more of them (as opposed to what was really going on). Samuel Ireland's reputation did not recover before his death in 1800.

In 1805 William Henry published "The Confessions of William Henry Ireland," but confession did not help his reputation. He took on a number of miscellaneous jobs as a hack writer but always found himself short of money. In 1814 he moved to France and worked in the French national library, continuing to publish books in London all the while. When he returned in 1823, he resumed his life of penury. In 1832 he published his own edition of "Vortigern and Rowena" (his father had originally published it in 1799) as his own play with very little success.

There has been recent scholarly interest in his later Gothic novels and his poetry. His illustrated "Histories" were popular, so to say that Ireland died in obscurity is probably not correct. He was, however, perpetually impoverished; he spent time in debtor's prison, and was constantly forced to borrow money from friends and strangers. When he died, his widow and daughters applied to the Literary Fund for relief. They received only token amounts.

Ireland is one of the main characters in Peter Ackroyd's 2004 novel "The Lambs of London", though the contacts with Charles and Mary Lamb have no basis in the historical record, and Ackroyd took many liberties with the story.


Publications include

* "" (4 volumes), 1799, gothic novel. reprinted in 1975, Ayer. ISBN 0-405-18670-3
* "Rimualdo: Or, The Castle of Badajos", [http://www.forewordmagazine.net/EX_search_reviews.aspx?Searchtype=ISBN&SearchCriteria=097672121X] 1800, gothic novel. Reprinted in 2005, (Jeffrey Kahan, editor), Zittaw Press ISBN 0-9767212-1-X
* "Gondez the Monk: A Romance of the Thirteenth Century" [http://www.zittaw.com/gondez.htm] 1805, gothic, reprinted in 2005, (Jeffrey Kahan, editor), Zittaw Press ISBN 0-9753395-8-3
* "The Confessions of William Henry Ireland" 1805 [http://www.elibron.com/english/other/item_detail.phtml?msg_id=10024805] Reprinted 2001, Elibron Classics. ISBN 1-4021-2520-8
* "Scribbleomania: or the Printer's Devil's Polichronicon: a Sublime Poem", 1815.
* "Ireland's History of the Isle of Grain", 18xx, reprinted in 2002, Local History Publications. ISBN 1-85699-213-6
* "A New and Complete History of the County of Kent" (4 volumes), 1831, reprinted 1919, London: Virtue.
* "A New and Complete History of the Isle of Thanet" ISBN 1-905477-10-4
* "Picturesque Views on the River Medway from the Nore to the Vicinity of its Source in Sussex" [ [http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=OTQGAAAAQAAJ&dq=picturesque+views+medway&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=XJRXya4rTu&sig=DhR7VLIbSBphL1p3zrvylMxtvWI Google Book] ]
* "Ireland's History of Woolwich" ISBN 1-85699-202-0
* "Ireland's History of Chislehurst" ISBN 1-85699-197-0
* "Ireland's History of Gravesend" ISBN 1-85699-211-X
* "Vortigern: an Historical Play, with an Original Preface", 1832, London: Joseph Thomas.

Further reading

* Patricia Pierce, "The Great Shakespeare Fraud: The Strange, True Story of William-Henry Ireland", 2004, Sutton. ISBN 0-7509-3393-3
* Jeffrey Kahan, "The Poetry of W.H. Ireland (1801-1815) Including the Poet's Imitations, Satires, Romantic Verses, and Commentaries on Coleridge, Wordsworth, Southey, and Others", 2003 [http://www.mellenpress.com/mellenpress.cfm?bookid=6101&pc=9] Mellen Press.
* Bernard Grebanier, "The Great Shakespeare Forgery", 1965, W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., ASIN: B000NYH5X8
* Samuel Schoenbaum, "The Ireland Forgeries: An Unpublished Contemporary Account," in "Shakespeare and Others" (Washington, D.C.: Folger Books, 1985), pp. 144–53.
* Samuel Schoenbaum, "Shakespeare Forgeries: Ireland and Collier," in "William Shakespeare: Records and Images" (London: Scolar Press, 1981), pp. 117–54.
* Samuel Schoenbaum, "Shakespeare's Lives" (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970).
* Jack Lynch, chapter 7 of "Becoming Shakespeare: The Unlikely Afterlife That Turned a Provincial Playwright into the Bard", 2007, Walker & Co.
* Jack Lynch, "The Picaresque Biography: William Henry Ireland," in "Das Paradigma des Pikaresken/The Paradigm of the Picaresque", ed. Christoph Ehland and Robert Fajen (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2007), pp. 147–57.
* Jack Lynch, "William Henry Ireland's Authentic Forgeries," "Princeton University Library Chronicle" 66, no. 1 (Autumn 2004): 79–96.
* Paul Collins, "Banvard's Folly: Thirteen Tales of People Who Didn't Change the World"

External links

* [http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/ireland.html William Henry Ireland's Shakespeare Forgeries]
* [http://www.vortigernstudies.org.uk/artlit/vortigern.htm A text of "Vortigern and Rowena"]

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