

Kingsmill was the name of a plantation located in James City County, Virginia. It was located on the north bank of the James River a few miles east (downstream) of Jamestown, where the first permanent settlement was established in 1607.

Plantation history

The 1,400 acre Kingsmill Plantation was built in the mid-1730s. It included a mansion, outbuildings and garden. It was the home of Colonel Lewis Burwell, a British naval officer who was the colonial customs inspector for the upper James River. Along the river, Burwell's Landing, site of his inspection station, also featured a tavern, storehouse, warehouse, and ferry house. Quarterpath Road extended between Burwell's Landing and Williamsburg.

The site saw action during the American Revolutionary War. The house burned in 1843. Only the office and the kitchen still stand; they are among the earliest brick dependencies still extant in Virginia.

Anheuser-Busch developments

In the mid-1970s, between Williamsburg and Grove, along U.S. Route 60, the Busch Gardens Williamsburg theme park, a large brewery, and the expansive Kingsmill planned community were developed by Anheuser-Busch Corporation. Much of this was on the property of the former Kingsmill Plantation.

Notable residents have included Curtis Strange, Sam Wallace, David Heath and Marv Levy.

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