Memories of a Catholic Girlhood
- Memories of a Catholic Girlhood
Memories of a Catholic Girlhood is the autobiography of Mary McCarthy that was published in 1957. The book chronicles McCarthy's childhood including her being orphaned, having an abusive great uncle, and losing her Catholic faith. In the book McCarthy writes details at the end of each chapter that other family members' claim do not correspond with their memory of events. She also writes where she embellished the material as well and told the story out of sequence.
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Categories: - Literary autobiographies
- 1957 books
- Books by Mary McCarthy
- Biography book stubs
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Mary McCarthy (author) — Mary Therese McCarthy Born June 21, 1912(1912 06 21) Seattle, Washington Died October 25, 1989(1989 10 2 … Wikipedia
McCarthy, Mary — ▪ American novelist and critic in full Mary Therese McCarthy born June 21, 1912, Seattle, Wash., U.S. died Oct. 25, 1989, New York, N.Y. American critic and novelist whose fiction is noted for its wit and acerbity in analyzing the finer… … Universalium
1957 in literature — The year 1957 in literature involved some significant events and new books.Events* Lawrence Durrell publishes the first volume of The Alexandria Quartet . The final of the four volumes will be published in 1960. *Dorothy Parker begins writing… … Wikipedia
Mary McCarthy — Mary Therese McCarthy (* 21. Juni 1912 in Seattle; † 25. Oktober 1989 in New York City) war eine US amerikanische Schriftstellerin und Frauenrechtlerin. Mary McCarthy … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mary McCarthy — Mary McCarthy. Mary McCarthy ( * 21 de junio de 1912 – 25 de octubre de 1989) es una importante novelista y una ensayista estadounidense de sobresaliente talla intelectual. Contenido … Wikipedia Español
McCarthy, Mary (Therese) — born June 21, 1912, Seattle, Wash., U.S. died Oct. 25, 1989, New York, N.Y. U.S. novelist and critic. She served on the editorial staff of the Partisan Review from 1937 to 1948. She began writing fiction at the urging of her second husband,… … Universalium
MCCARTHY (M.) — Mary McCARTHY 1912 1989 Mary McCarthy est née à Seattle d’une famille aux origines juives, protestantes et catholiques à la fois. Sa mère s’était convertie au catholicisme après avoir épousé Roy McCarthy, de dix ans son aîné. L’un et l’autre… … Encyclopédie Universelle
McCarthy — [mə kɑːθɪ], 1) Cormac, amerikanischer Schriftsteller, * Providence (R. I.) 20. 7. 1933; lebt in El Paso (Texas); wurde in den USA erst nach Erscheinen seines sechsten Romans »All the pretty horses« (1992; deutsch »All die schönen Pferde«)… … Universal-Lexikon
Маккарти, Мэри — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Маккарти. Мэри Маккарти Mary McCarthy … Википедия
Маккарти (McCarthy), Мэри [Тереза] — (р. 21. VI. 1912, Сиэтл, Вашингтон) прозаик, публицист. Потеряв в раннем возрасте родителей, воспитывалась сначала в семье бабушки по отцовской линии, рьяной католички, затем деда по материнской, убежденного протестанта. Детские годы… … Писатели США. Краткие творческие биографии