- Pittsburgh LAN Coalition
The Pittsburgh LAN Coalition, Inc. (Pittco) is a group of LAN parties in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , USA. Pittco was established in December 2003 by a number of well-established, smaller LAN parties looking to combine their efforts to hold large-scale LAN parties.Pittco Logo
professional American football team.Event details
The name of Pittco's event is "Iron Storm." The name comes from Pittsburgh's notability as a former steel mill center" [citation needed] ".At its events, Pittco holds tournaments for games including ,
Unreal Tournament 2004 ,Unreal Tournament 3 ,Battlefield 2 ,Battlefield 2142 ,Quake 3 ,Quake 4 , , , andWarcraft III . Attendees often organize unofficial tournaments for games likeDOOM 3 ,Call of Duty 2 , andNexuiz . When a high-bandwidth broadbandInternet connection is available, attendees may playWorld of Warcraft .Console tournaments also include
Halo 3 ,Super Smash Brothers Brawl ,Guitar Hero 3 , andDance Dance Revolution . Although not heavily supported with the attendees, it does give an alternative to the computer games played all night long. Iron Storm 8 is the first event that is supportingHalo 3 as its main console event, with prizes being given out.There are many side events, called "jackass events" by many attendees.
Jackass Tournaments
*Rap Battle
*Human-powered drag racing
*Red Bull chug
*Red Bull relay
*Freeze head (who can hold their head underwater the longest in the cooler full of ice water)
*Musical chairs
*"Bring me a" go-for contests
*Clamato mini-gamesPast Events
Iron Storm is held bi-annually, generally in March and in August.
Iron Storm 1
*February 28-29, 2004 - 120 attendees, held at the Four Points Sheraton by
Pittsburgh International Airport Iron Storm 2
*July 31 - Aug 1, 2004 - 115 attendees
Iron Storm 3
*March 5-6, 2005 - 115 attendees, held at the Ross Township Community Center
Iron Storm 4
*August 6-7, 2005 - 150 attendees, held at the Ross Township Community Center
Pittco Lite
*March 4-5, 2006 - 76 attendees + staff, held at the Beechview Holiday Inn Select; a sudden venue conflict for the scheduled Iron Storm 5 caused a last-minute change of location, and approximately half of the registrants were unable to be contacted
Iron Storm 5
*August 12-13, 2006 - 136 attendees, held at the Castle Shannon Fire Hall
Iron Storm 6
*March 17-18, 2007 - 141 attendees, held at the Castle Shannon Fire Hall
Iron Storm 7
*August 11-12, 2007 - 139 attendees, held at the Castle Shannon Fire Hall
Iron Storm 8
*March 15-16, 2008 - 167 attendees, held at the Castle Shannon Fire Hall
External links
* [http://www.pittco.org Official web site]
* TwitchGuru (Tom's Hardware Guide subsidiary) review of Iron Storm 3 [http://www.twitchguru.com/2005/03/12/iron_storm_3_blows_steel_city_gamers_away/index.html]
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