1866 in science

1866 in science

The year 1866 in science and technology involved some significant events, listed below.


* Giovanni Schiaparelli realizes that meteor streams occur when the Earth passes through the orbit of a comet that has left debris along its path.
* William Huggins studied the emission spectrum of a nova and discovers that it is surrounded by a cloud of hydrogen.


* Gregor Mendel published his laws of inheritance.
* Ernst Haeckel challenged the plant/animal division of life, observing that single celled organisms, the protists, do not fit into either category.
* Frederick Smith first discovers Formica candida in the Bournemouth, England, describing it as "Formica gagates".


* Dynamite invented by Alfred Nobel.
* Augustus von Hofmann proposes the now standard system of hydrocarbon nomenclature.


* Max Schultze discovers two sorts of 'receptors' in the retina.
* Patrick Manson starts a school of tropical medicine in Hong Kong


* Copley Medal: Julius Plücker
* Wollaston Medal for Geology: Charles Lyell


* September 25 - Thomas Hunt Morgan (d. 1945), biologist, Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine
* November 30 - Robert Broom (d. 1951), paleontologist


* July 20 - Bernhard Riemann (b. 1826), mathematician.
* December 1 - George Everest (b. 1790), surveyor and geographer.

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