- Englewood Public School District
name=Englewood Public School District
superintendent= Richard Segall (interim)
businessadmin= James Olobardi
address=12 Tenafly Road
Englewood, NJ 07631
graderange= K-12
enrollrange= 1,801-3,500
rangecount= 73
website= http://www.epsd.org
ind1dist= 14434
ind1rank= 67
ind1avg= 12180
ind2dist= 8037
ind2rank= 65
ind2avg= 7194
ind6dist= 2879
ind6rank= 70
ind6avg= 1913
ind8dist= 1607
ind8rank= 69
ind8avg= 1275
ind10dist= 1490
ind10rank= 52
ind10avg= 1477
ind16dist= 54455
ind16rank= 44
ind16avg= 53549The Englewood Public School District is a comprehensive community publicschool district that serves students in Kindergarten through twelfth grade from Englewood, in Bergen County,New Jersey ,United States .The district participates in the
Interdistrict Public School Choice Program at Dwight Morrow High School, having been approved onNovember 2 ,1999 , as one of the first ten districts statewide to participate in the program. [ [http://www.state.nj.us/education/choice/districts/index.html Interdistrict Public School Choice Program: Approved Choice Districts] ,New Jersey Department of Education . AccessedJune 19 ,2008 .] Seats in the program for non-resident students are specified by the district and are allocated by lottery, with tuition paid for participating students by theNew Jersey Department of Education . [ [http://www.state.nj.us/education/choice/genfo.htm Interdistrict Public School Choice Program: Introduction] ,New Jersey Department of Education . AccessedJune 19 ,2008 .]Schools
Schools in the district (with 2005-06 enrollment data from the
National Center for Education Statistics [ [http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/school_list.asp?Search=1&DistrictID=3404740 Data for the Englewood Public School District] ,National Center for Education Statistics . AccessedOctober 2 ,2007 .] ) are:;Elementary Schools
* [http://quarles.epsd.org/ D. A. Quarles Early Childhood Center] (PreK-1; 400 students)
**Sheryl Sullivan - Principal
* [http://cleveland.epsd.org/ Cleveland School] (2-5; 363 students)
**Michael Brown - Principal
* [http://lincoln.epsd.org/ Lincoln School] (2-6; 428 students)
**Marsha Howard - Principal;Middle School
* [http://jdms.epsd.org/ Janis E. Dismus Middle School] (6-8; 534 students)
**Peter Elbert - Principal;High School
*Dwight Morrow Campus - 1,059 students. James Smith, Director
**Dwight Morrow High School . For high school, students from Englewood Cliffs attend Dwight Morrow High School, as part of asending/receiving relationship with theEnglewood Cliffs Public Schools . [ [http://education.state.nj.us/rc/rc07/narrative/03/1370/03-1370-040.html Dwight Morrow High School 2007 Report Card Narrative] ,New Jersey Department of Education . AccessedMarch 9 ,2008 . "The comprehensive high school serves students who reside in the City of Englewood and Englewood Cliffs."]
** [http://ae.epsd.org/ Academies at Englewood]
***James Smith - PrincipalAdministration
Core members of the district's administration are: [ [http://www.epsd.org/site_res_view_template.aspx?id=97ce25db-2465-46ac-bb18-a0931b691ed8 EPSD Board of Education] , Englewood Public School District. Accessed
July 31 ,2008 .]
*Richard Segall, Interim Superintendent
*Michael Polizzi, Assistant Superintendent
*James Olobardi, Business AdministratorReferences
External links
* [http://www.epsd.org/home.asp Englewood Public School District]
*NJReportCard|03|1370|0|Englewood Public School District
* [http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/school_list.asp?Search=1&DistrictID=3404740 Data for the Englewood Public School District] ,National Center for Education Statistics
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.