September 26, 2003

September 26, 2003

=September 26, 2003=

* Medicine: An experimental treatment given to a British man has halted the progress of brain damage caused by Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. []
* "SCO vs IBM": International Business Machines Corp. files new counterclaims against SCO Group Inc. involving the Linux operating system according to a memo sent to the IBM sales force. []
* Israeli-Palestinian conflict: A Palestinian gunman enters a home in Negohot (an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, near Hebron), murders 7-month-old Shaked Avraham and 27-year-old Eyal Yeberbaum, and injures both of the baby girl's parents as they were celebrating the Jewish New Year. The shooter was later killed by Israeli security forces. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack. [,2933,98437,00.html]
* Road map for peace: 'Quartet' urges Israel and Palestinians to do more to revive Middle East peace plan. Voicing "great concern" at recent Israeli and Palestinian attacks that have stalled the Middle East peace process, a high-level meeting of the diplomatic Quartet of the United Nations, United States, Russian Federation and European Union call on both sides to take immediate action to revive the Road map for peace. [] []
* Iraq - Constitution: Secretary of State Colin Powell, responding to a rapid timetable self-rule demands from France (and others), states the United States would set a deadline of six months for Iraqi leaders working under the coalition occupation to produce a new constitution. The constitution would clear the way for elections and the installation of a new leadership next year. [] []
* Iraq - Terrorism: Mortar rounds hit killing at least seven civilian Iraqis in the town square of Baquba. At least 20 civilian were wounded. Also, Akila al-Hashemi, a member of Iraq's Governing Council, was buried in Najaf a day after she died from wounds inflicted by an unidentified gunmen. []
* Media: The two leading cable news networks, Fox News and CNN, have engaged in a public battle over phone numbers. Fox publicizes CNN commentator's home number after talk host gives out FNC's phone. []
* Entertainment: Movie trailer of The Matrix Revolutions is released. [] []
* International relations: Brazilian president Lula da Silva makes his first official visit to Cuba. In meetings with president Fidel Castro, he plans to affirm the friendship between the two countries and to increase bilateral ties. Reporters Without Borders had previously called on the Brazilian president to intercede on behalf of 30 journalists currently imprisoned on Cuba. [] , []

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  • September 10, 2003 — September 10, 2003= * The Swedish foreign minister Anna Lindh is stabbed while shopping for clothes at a mall without bodyguards. The killer is still at large. [] * Terrorism: Al Qaida sued over… …   Wikipedia

  • September 2, 2003 — September 2, 2003= *War on Terrorism: Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden says that his organization is working on serious projects , and that his priority is to use biological weapons against the United States. Al Qaeda may already have such weapons …   Wikipedia

  • September 11, 2003 — September 11, 2003= * War on Terrorism : As the United States remembers the deadliest terrorist attack ever on its shores, the State Department warns that it is seeing increasing indications that al Qaida is preparing to strike United States… …   Wikipedia

  • September 20, 2003 — September 20, 2003= * Israeli Palestinian conflict: Israel says that the United Nations resolution on Yasser Arafat (passed 133 4 with 15 abstentions) is meaningless. It is only a declaration and not legally binding. Yasser Arafat states it s of… …   Wikipedia

  • September 3, 2003 — September 3, 2003= * Occupation of Iraq : Poland assumes a position in postwar Iraq. The coalition in Iraq hands over the south central part of the country to a force led by Poland. The force of Polish troops leads a multinational peacekeeping… …   Wikipedia

  • September 14, 2003 — September 14, 2003= * EU enlargement : Swedish voters reject the Euro in a popular referendum. [,2789,360696,00.html] * Revolution: A military coup d état is reported in Guinea Bissau.… …   Wikipedia

  • September 5, 2003 — September 5, 2003= *Hong Kong s leader Tung Chee hwa announces that he will indefinitely postpone plans for an extremely unpopular security bill which sparked massive public protests and would have granted the government broad powers to prosecute …   Wikipedia

  • September 29, 2003 — September 29, 2003= *Abdalla Yones, who was convicted of murder for killing his daughter, Heshu Yones, for dating a Christian, is sentenced to life in prison after becoming the first person in Britain to admit an honour killing .… …   Wikipedia

  • September 9, 2003 — September 9, 2003= *Governor of Indiana, USA Frank O Bannon is in a coma following an operation after the Governor suffered a stroke in a hotel room in Chicago, Illinois. Lieutenant Governor Joe Kernan took over as acting Governor.… …   Wikipedia

  • September 12, 2003 — September 12, 2003= * Israeli Palestinian conflict: Arab and Non Aligned nations call on the United Nations Security Council to stop Israel carrying out its threat to expel the head of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat, from the West Bank …   Wikipedia

  • September 23, 2003 — September 23, 2003= *California recall: A federal appeals court overturns a three judge panel s ruling and reinstates the original date for the recall election, October 7, 2003. The ACLU, whose suit was responsible for the original decision, will …   Wikipedia

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