Holmes Run Acres

Holmes Run Acres

name = Holmes Run Acres

caption =
locator_x =
locator_y =
location = Fairfax County, Virginia USA
lat_degrees = 38
lat_minutes = 51
lat_seconds = 00
lat_direction = N
long_degrees = 77
long_minutes = 12
long_seconds = 30
long_direction = W
area =
architect = Donald Lethbridge
Nicholas Satterlee
architecture = Mid-Century modern
built = 1952 - 1958
added = March 2007
refnum =
visitation_num =
visitation_year =
governing_body =

Holmes Run Acres is a community of 355 houses in Fairfax County, Virginia, in the Washington, D.C. suburbs. The community was developed by brothers Gerald and Eli Luria. They offered the public "a unique opportunity to own a contemporary style home modeled after the California Ranch style popularized on the west coat." [cite web| title = Holmes Run Acres Community Connection | url = http://www.holmesrunacres.com/history/history_purvis1.asp | accessdate = 2008-09-22 ]


Homes in Holmes Run Acres were constructed by three builders between 1951 and 1958:

* Luria Brothers Development - approximately 260 homes during 1951-52. Architects: Nicholas Letherbridge and Donald Satterlee

* Gaddy Construction Company - 71 homes during 1954-55. Architects: Nicholas Letherbridge and Donald Satterlee

* Andre Bodor - 13 units during 1957-58

The Luria brothers built their homes west of Executive Avenue, Gaddy built homes east of Executive Avenue, and Bodor built homes at the connection of Surrey Lane and Gallows Road. The community also includes Woodburn Elementary School, a recreation center, and a park. The 4.2 acre park, named Luria Park, was donated to Fairfax County by the Luria Brothers and is maintained jointly by the county and the Holmes Run Acres residents.


The Holmes Run Acres Civic Association built the first community swimming pool in Fairfax County and, in cooperation with the Fairfax County Park Authority, turned a dump site into the first neighborhood park in the county. [ [http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?012+ful+HR6 Virginia House Resolution No. 6, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 6, "Commending the Holmes Run Acres Civic Association", May 4, 2001] ]

Historic designation

Holmes Run Acres was listed on the Virginia Landmarks Register in December 2006, and on the National Register of Historic Places in March 2007. [ cite news | last = Straight| first = Susan | title = Modern Pride in Historic Holmes Run Acres| work = Washington Post| pages = | language = English | publisher = | date = 2007-07-28| url = http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/27/AR2007072701137.html | accessdate = 2008-09-22 ] Holmes Run Acres is the first Mid-Century modern community in Virginia to be designated as a landmark/historic place.


* [http://www.dhr.virginia.gov/registers/Counties/Fairfax/029-5183_HolmesRunAcresHD_2006_NRdraft.pdf Holmes Run Acres (HRA) application for National Register of Historic Places (pdf)]
* [http://www.holmesrunacres.com/documents/HRA_Architectural_Guidelines.pdf Holmes Run Acres booklet on remodeling a HRA home (pdf)]


External links

* [http://holmesrunacres.com/ Holmes Run Acres Civic Association website]

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