- Kubitzki system
A system of plant taxonomy, the Kubitzki system was published in
:cite book|author = Kubitzki, K. et al.|year = 1990 ongoing| title = The families and genera of vascular plants
The system is important as being a comprehensive, multivolume treatment of the
vascular plants , with descriptive treatments of all families and genera, mostly by specialists in those groups. The Kubitzki system has served as the family-level reference to pteridophyte and gymnosperm classification, as well as for the angiosperm groups published up to that date, for the influential dictionary: :cite book|author = Mabberley, D.J. |year = 1997| title = The plant-book. A portable dictionary of the vascular plants|edition = 2nd editionThe classification system in the initial angiosperm volumes closely resembles the
Cronquist system in ordinal and family arrangements, but later volumes have been influenced by recent molecular systematic studies. The recent volume on "Malvales" adopts a classification close to that of theAngiosperm Phylogeny Group : :cite journal|author = Kubitzki, K. and M. W. Chase|year = 2003|title = Introduction to Malvales in "Malvales, Capparales and non-betalain Caryophyllales". K. Kubitzki (ed.)|journal = The families and genera of vascular plants|volume = vol. 5 |pages = 12–16Classification
* 1 divisio "
Pteridophyta "
* 2 divisio "Pinophyta " or "Gymnospermae "
*:1 subdivisio "Coniferophytina "
*:2 subdivisio "Cycadophytina "
* 3 divisio "Magnoliophyta " or "Angiospermae "
*: subdivisio "Magnoliophytina "
*::1 classis "Monocotyledoneae" orMagnoliopsida [complete] (withRolf Dahlgren 's collaboration)
*:::1 superordoAcoranae
*::: Not ranked
*:::2 superordoAlismatanae
*::::1 ordoArales
*::::2 ordoAlismatales
*:::3 superordoLilianae
*::::1 ordoLiliales
*::::2 ordoAsparagales
*::::3 ordoTriuridales
*::::4 ordoDioscoreales
*::::5 ordoPandanales
*:::4 superordoCommelinanae
*::::1 ordo Principes
*::::2 ordoDasypogonales
*::::3 ordoBromeliales
*::::: ?Rapateaceae (see also Xyridales)
*::::4 ordoCommelinales
*::::5 ordoXyridales
*::::: ?Rapateaceae
*::::6 ordoZingiberales
*::::: ?Hanguanaceae (possibly related to Zingiberales or Commelinales)
*::::7 ordoTyphales
*::::8 ordoJuncales
*::::9 ordoPoales
*:::: "incertae sedis"
*:::::Hydatellaceae *::2 classis "Dicotyledoneae" or
Liliopsida [incomplete]
*:::1 subclassisMagnoliidae
*::::1 superordoMagnolianae (lower magnoliids)
*::::::1 ordoMagnoliales
*::::::: ?Canellaceae
*::::::: ?Lactoridaceae
*::::::2 ordoIlliciales
*::::::: ?Canellaceae
*::::::3 ordoAristolochiales
*::::::: ?Rafflesiaceae
*::::::4 ordoPiperales
*::::2 superordoRanunculanae (higher magnoliids)
*::::::1 ordoNelumbonales
*::::::2 ordoRanunculales
*::::::: ?Circaeasteraceae
*::::3 superordoNymphaeanae
*:::::: ordoNymphaeales
*::::::: ?Ceratophyllaceae
*::::4 superordoCaryophyllanae
*:::::: ordoCaryophyllales (syn.:Centrospermae Eichler)
*::::::: Family with an asterisk: *, included in Expanded Caryophyllales in Volume V.
*::::::: Family with the sign +, only recognized in Volume V, but not in Volume II.
*:::::::Barbeuiaceae +
*:::::::Sarcobataceae +
*:::::::Petiveriaceae +
*:::::::Agdestidaceae +
*:::::::Nepenthaceae *
*:::::::Droseraceae *
*:::::::Drosophyllaceae *
*:::::::Simmondsiaceae *
*:::::::Rhabdodendraceae *
*:::::::Asteropeiaceae *
*:::::::Physenaceae *
*:::::::Ancistrocladaceae *
*:::::::Dioncophyllaceae *
*:::::::Frankeniaceae *
*:::::::Tamaricaceae *
*::::5 superordoHamamelidanae
*::::::1 ordoTrochodendrales
*::::::: ?Myrothamnaceae
*::::::2 ordoHamamelidales
*::::::3 ordoFagales
*::::::4 ordoJuglandales
*::::::5 ordo ?Casuarinales
*::::6 superordoPolygonanae
*:::::: ordoPolygonales
*::::7 superordoPlumbaginanae
*:::::: ordoPlumbaginales
*::::8 superordoMalvanae
*:::::: ordoMalvales
*:::::::Malvaceae ----Since the Volume V no more the taxonomic category was assigned above Order.
*:::::: ordoCapparales
*:::::::Cruciferae orBrassicaceae
*::: Not ranked, but related to Capparales
*:::::: ordoCelastrales
*:::::: ordoOxalidales
*:::::: ordoRosales (# revised position, former inUrticales in Vol. 2)
*:::::::Barbeyaceae #
*:::::::Ulmaceae #
*:::::::Moraceae #
*:::::::Cecropiaceae (#, includingCannabaceae )
*:::::::Urticaceae #
*:::::: ordoCornales
*:::::: ordoEricales
*:::::: ordoAsterales
*:::::::Compositae orAsteraceae
*:::::::: subfamilyBarnadesioideae
*:::::::: subfamilyMutisioideae
*:::::::: subfamilyCarduoideae
*:::::::: subfamilyCichorioideae
*:::::::: subfamilyAsteroideae
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