- S-Allyl cysteine
Chembox new
Name = S-Allyl cysteine
ImageFile = Allyl_cysteine.png
ImageName = S-Allyl cysteine
ImageFile1 = S-allyl-cysteine-3D-balls.png
ImageName1 = S-Allyl cysteine
IUPACName = S-2-propenyl-L-cysteine
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 21593-77-1
Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = C6H11NO2S
MolarMass = 161.22 g/mol
Density = 1.191 ± 0.06 g/cm3
MeltingPt = 219-220 °CS-Allyl cysteine (SAC) is an
organic compound that is a natural constituent of freshgarlic . It is a derivative of theamino acid cysteine in which anallyl group has been added to the sulfur atom.Allyl cysteine is currently being investigated as a potentional cholesterol lowering agent and as a chemopreventive.
ee also
Alliin , the S-oxide of allyl cysteineReferences
* Arora, Annu; Tripathi, Chitra; Shukla, Yogeshwer. "Garlic and its organosulfides as potential chemopreventive agents: a review." "Current Cancer Therapy Reviews" (2005), 1(2), 199-205.
* Yeh Y Y; Liu L "Cholesterol-lowering effect of garlic extracts and organosulfur compounds: human and animal studies." "Journal of Nutrition" (2001), 131(3s), 989S-93S.External links
* http://www.thegoodscentscompany.com/data/rw1593931.html
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