SAC or sac may refer to:


* Sac (biology), a bag like structure possibly containing fluid, in a plant, animal, or fungus.

United States geography

* Sac City, Iowa
* Sac County, Iowa
* Sac River, a river in southwest Missouri
* Sacramento, California

Computer science

* [ SAC: Simple API for CSS] developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
* SAC programming language, a strict purely functional programming language
* Symposium on Applied Computing, an annual conference sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
* Selected Areas in Cryptography, an annual cryptography workshop series
* SA-C programming language, a C family language targeted at programming circuits
* Strict Avalanche Criterion, a property of boolean functions of relevance in cryptography
* Superior Art Creations, an underground group of computer art scene enthusiasts
* Special Administration Console, a system console that provides headless server operation


* Sydney Adventist College, a Seventh-Day Adventist high school located in Sydney, Australia
* St. Andrew's College, multiple colleges named after St. Andrew
* School-assessed coursework, a type of school-based assessment in which students complete the assessment tasks specified in the study design
* Scottish Agricultural College, an organization based in Scotland
* St Aloysius' College, multiple colleges named after St Aloysius
* Student activity center, a type of building found on university campuses
* Students' Administrative Council, University of Toronto, the largest students' union in Canada
* San Antonio College, A College of the Alamo Community Colleges in San Antonio, Texas
* Saint Anselm College, a Benedictine, Catholic, Liberal Arts College in Manchester, NH


* Senior Aircraftman, a rank in the Royal Air Force
* Senior Assistant Commissioner, a rank in the Singapore Police Force
* Second Artillery Corps, one of four branches of the Chinese armed forces
* Side Arm Controller, developed through the U.S. Army during and after the ADOCS AFCS helicopter program.
* Southern Air Command of the Indian Air Force
* Strategic Air Command, the operational establishment of the United States Air Force in charge of America's bomber-based and ballistic missile-based strategic nuclear arsenal from 1946 to 1992
* Special Agent in Charge, an FBI term for an agent holding a position of authority at the scene of a crime or investigation.
* Supreme Allied Commander, the most senior commander in some multinational military organizations.
* Senate Appropriations Committee, a standing committee of the United States Senate with jurisdiction over all discretionary spending legislation in the Senate.
* Sports Affairs Council, a council under the Executive Yuan of Taiwan.


* Socorro ISD Student Activities Complex, a sports and activity complex located in El Paso, Texas
* "The Student Activity Center", a sports complex located in Laredo, Texas
* South Atlantic Conference, an athletic conference in the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II
* Schweizer Alpen-Club (Swiss Alpine Club), a Swiss mountaineering club.


* Swiss Alpine Club
* California State Prison, Sacramento, in the USA
* S-Allyl cysteine, a chemical constituent of garlic
* SAC (Spanish: "Satélite Argentino Científico"), a series of Argentine research satellites developed by Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales
* Sac (tribe), a group of Native Americans
* SAC Capital Partners, a hedge fund managed by Steven A. Cohen
* Sac spider, a large catch-all taxon for a large group of disparate collection of spiders
* Sacramento Executive Airport in Sacramento, California (FAA location identifier code: SAC)
* Sacramento Valley Rail Station, California; Amtrak station code SAC
* Scottish Arts Council, a Scottish public body
* Secret Agent Clank, a game for the PSP
* Service d'Action Civique, a Gaullist organisation
* Single Acting Cylinder, a type of pneumatic cylinder
* SnAgCu solder, one of the most common lead-free solders, consisting of tin, silver and copper
* Societas Apostolatus Catholici, a religious congregation within the Roman Catholic Church
* Space Applications Centre, an Indian Space Research Organization Research lab
* Special Area of Conservation, a protected area in the European Union
* Stand Alone Complex, a phenomenon where unrelated actions of individuals create a seemingly concerted effort
** "", a Japanese animated TV series
* Suburban Activity Center, a relatively new concentration of business, shopping and entertainment outside a traditional urban area
* "Super Adventure Club", a fictional club of child-molesting explorers from the "South Park" episode, "The Return of Chef"
* Super Aero City, a bus model of Hyundai Motors
* Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation, an anarcho-syndicalist trade union federation in Sweden
* Sac (cuisine) and Sacayağı, traditional Turkish cuisine instruments for baking.
* Sudan Automobile and Tourism Club, a member of the FIA
* Syrian Automobile Club, a member of the FIA

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