

Zabłocki is the name of a Polish aristocratic family of ancient lineage ("Jastrzębiec") and Coat of arms Łada, who assumed the name of Zabłocki after acquisition of Zabłocie Pułtuskie in Wielkopolska in the year 1500. The ending "-cki" represents the English "of"; Zabłocki = of Zabłocie; or German "von Zabłocie".

Coat of arms

Łada: on red background, a silver horseshoe with opening to the South, on its top a golden cross; on each side a silver arrow and two hunting horns in the lower field. On the helmet there is a golden and crowned lion holding a sword. This coat of arms was first mentioned in 1248. It was named after the owner of the "Łada" estate who was a member of the "Jastrzębiec" family and the progenitor of the Zabłocki family.

Notable family members

*Franciszek Zablocki (17501821), Polish dramatist and satirist
*Wojciech Zabłocki (1930–), Polish architect and sportsman

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