EACH is an acronym that may refer to:
*European Association for Communication in Healthcare
*Educational Action Challenging Homophobia
*European Association for sick Children in Hospitals
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
EACH is an acronym that may refer to:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
each — W1S1 [i:tʃ] determiner, pron, adv [: Old English; Origin: Alc] 1.) every one of two or more things or people, considered separately →↑every ▪ She had a bottle in each hand. ▪ Grill the fish for five minutes on each side. ▪ Each member of the team … Dictionary of contemporary English
each — [ itʃ ] function word, quantifier *** Each can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a singular countable noun): in each corner of the room as a pronoun: three windows, with a different view from each (followed by of ): I… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
each — 1. singular or plural. Each is treated as singular when it stands by itself as a pronoun, when it comes before a singular noun (each house), and when it is followed by of and a plural noun (each of the houses): • Each group is responsible for its … Modern English usage
Each — ([=e]ch), a. or a. pron. [OE. eche, [ae]lc, elk, ilk, AS. [ae]lc; [=a] always + gel[=i]c like; akin to OD. iegelik, OHG. [=e]ogil[=i]h, MHG. iegel[=i]ch, G. jeglich. [root]209. See 3d {Aye}, {Like}, and cf. {Either}, {Every}, {Ilk}.] 1. Every one … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
each — adj every, *all each adv Each, apiece, severally, individually, respectivelyare comparable when they refer to every one of the many or several persons or things comprising a group. All imply distribution. Each and apiece usually connote equality… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
each — [ēch] adj., pron. [ME ech, elc, each, every < OE ælc < * agilic, akin to OHG iogilith (Ger jeglich) < PGmc * aiw galic: see AYE1 & ALIKE] every one of two or more considered separately [each (one) of you will be notified] adv. apiece… … English World dictionary
each — [adj] every all, any, exclusive, individual, one by one*, particular, personal, piece by piece*, respective, separate, several, single, specific, various, without exception; concept 577 Ant. none each [adv] apiece; for one all, a pop*, a shot*,… … New thesaurus
each — O.E. ælc any, all, every, each (one), short for a gelic ever alike, from a ever (see AYE (Cf. aye) (2)) + gelic alike (see LIKE (Cf. like) (adj.)). From a common West Germanic expression *aiwo galika (Cf. Du. elk, O.Fris … Etymology dictionary
each — ► DETERMINER & PRONOUN ▪ every one of two or more people or things, regarded and identified separately. ► ADVERB ▪ to, for, or by every one of a group. ● each and every Cf. ↑each and every ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
each — index respectively Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary