

Bas meaning "super lower" in French may refer to:

*Bas-Caraquet, New Brunswick, meaning "Lower Caraquet', a village on the Acadian Peninsula of New Brunswick, Canada
*Bas-Congo (post-2006, Kongo Central), a province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
*Bas Cuvier, one of the most famous bouldering sites in Fontainebleau
*Bas Ek Pal, a 2006 Bollywood film, directed by Onira
*Bas Itna Sa Khwaab Hai, a 2001 Hindi movie was written and directed by Goldie Behl
*Bas-Lag, the fictional world for several of China Miéville's novels
**Races of Bas-Lag, list of the races of Bas-Lag
*Bas-relief, a method of sculpting which entails carving or etching away the surface of a flat piece of stone or metal
*Bas-Rhin, a département of France meaning "Lower Rhine"
**Arrondissements of the Bas-Rhin department, lists the arrondissements
*Bas-RichelieuNicoletBécancour, a federal electoral district in Quebec, Canada
*Bas Saharan Basin, an Artesian aquifer system which covers most of the Algerian and Tunisian Sahara and extends to Morocco and Libya
*Bas-Uele Province, a province created in the Democratic Republic of Congo by the Constitution of May 2005
*Bas-Vully, a municipality in the district of See, in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
*Charritte-de-Bas, a small village and commune in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques département of southwestern France
*Colpach-Bas, a small town in the commune of Ell, in western Luxembourg
*Delaine Le Bas, Outsider artist with Romany background
*Le Bas-Richelieu Regional County Municipality, Quebec, a Municipality in southwestern Quebec
*Parler tout bas, the third single by Alizée, released in April 2001
*Terre-de-Bas, the largest island in the Îles des Saintes archipelago in Guadeloupe
*Bas means in Arabic language "enough"


*Bernardo Bas, de facto Federal Interventor of Córdoba, Argentina
*Bas Balkissoon (born ca. 1952), politician in Toronto, Canada
*Bas Bron, Dutch musical artist and producer of mostly electronic music
*Bas de Gaay Fortman (born 1937), Dutch politician and scholar
*Bas Giling (born 1982), Dutch professional road bicycle racer
*Bas van de Goor (born 1971), Dutch volleyball player
*Bas Jan Ader (1942-1975), Dutch conceptual artist, performance artist, photographer and filmmaker
*Bas Leinders (born 1975), Belgium racing driver
*Bas of Bithynia, (c. 397-326 BC), first independent ruler of Bithynia
*Bas Pease (1922-2004), British physicist
*Bas Roorda (born 1973), Dutch football (soccer) goalkeeper
*Bas Savage (born 1982), English professional footballer (soccer)
*Bas van der Vlies (born 1942), Dutch politician
*Bas van Fraassen (born 1941), member of the Princeton University Philosophy department
*Bas Rutten (born 1965), a mixed martial arts fighter and color commentator
*Hernan Bas (born 1978, U.S. artist based in Florida
*Noël Bas, French gymnast

ee also


Bas, in Persian means enough

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  • bas — bas, basse 1. (bâ, bâ s ; l s se lie : un coeur bas et lâche, dites : bâ z et....) adj. 1°   Qui a peu de hauteur. Maison basse. Rives plus basses. Un siége bas. Le plafond est bas. La porte est basse. Cet animal est très bas sur ses jambes.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • bas — BAS, (1) s.n., (2) başi, s.m., (3) basuri, s.n. 1. S. n. sg. Registrul cel mai jos al vocii bărbăteşti; sunetul cel mai grav al unui acord muzical. 2. S. m. Cântăreţ a cărui voce se plasează în acest registru; basist. 3. S. n. Instrument care… …   Dicționar Român

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  • BAS — (Board for Actuarial Standards) A constituent body of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), the Board for Actuarial Standards (BAS) has responsibility from 6 April 2007 for setting actuarial standards independently of the actuarial profession.… …   Law dictionary

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