

Vasa may refer to:
* House of Vasa, a medieval Swedish noble family, the royal house of Sweden 1523-1654 and of Poland 1587-1668
** Vasa (ship), a Swedish warship that sank in 1628, since restored
** Vasa Museum, Stockholm, where the restored ship is currently displayed
** Order of Vasa, one of the Royal Swedish orders of knighthood
** Vasa Order of America, a Swedish-American Fraternal Order

In places:
* Vaşa, Azerbaijan
* Väsa, a village in Dalarna, Sweden
* Vasa County, a historic county in current Finland
* Vasa Park, New Jersey
* Vasa Township, Minnesota
* Vasa Loch, a brackish lagoon in southwestern Shapinsay, Orkney Islands

In anatomy:
* Vasa nervorum, small arteries that provide blood supply to peripheral nerves
* Vasa praevia, an obstetric complication
* Vasa recta, capillaries within the kidneys
* Vasa recta (intestines), capillaries surrounding the intestines
* Vasa vasorum, capillaries that supply the outer tissues of large blood vessels

In other uses:
* Vása, the sun in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional cosmology
* Vasa IFK, a Finnish football club
* Vasa parrot, a genus of parrots from Madagascar
* Vasaloppet, a Swedish ski race

People with the name Vasa

* Robert F. Vasa (born 1951), Bishop of Baker
* Vasa Mihich (born 1933), American artist
* Vasa Mijić (born 1973), Serbian volleyball player
* Gustavus Vasa Fox (1821–1883), U.S. Naval officer during the American Civil War

ee also

* Vaasa, a city on the west coast of Finland
* Wasa (disambiguation)

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  • Vasa — (del lat. «vasa», pl. de «vas, vasis»; Burg., Pal.) f. *Vajilla. * * * vasa. (Del lat. vasa, pl. n. de vas, vasis). f. Cantb. y Pal. vajilla (ǁ conjunto de piezas para el servicio de mesa). * * * altVasa o …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Vasa — oder auch Wasa steht für: die schwedisch polnische Herrscherdynastie, siehe Wasa (Dynastie) eine nach der Familie benannte Stadt in Finnland, heute Vaasa Vasa (Schiff), ein schwedisches Segelschiff aus dem 17. Jahrhundert im römischen Staatskult… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Väsa — is a small village, about 5 km south from the Älvdalen Municipality in Dalarna, Sweden. Wäsabergen is a ski slope to the south of Väsa …   Wikipedia

  • Vasa — V. Gustave Ier Vasa …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • vasa — s. f. Espaço em que trabalha a mó do moinho de azeitona.   ‣ Etimologia: alteração de vaso   • Confrontar: vaca, vasca, vaza. vasa s. f. 1. Fundo lodoso de rio, lago ou mar. 2. Limo; lodo; lodaçal. 3.  [Figurado] Camada social considerada mais… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Vása —    Vása/ Vasa     The Consumer , a name of the Sun among the Noldor.        A name among the Noldor for the Sun.    A name given to the Sun by the Noldor. In the text of the Silmarillion, it is translated Heart of Fire …   J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary

  • vasa — (Del lat. vasa, pl. n. de vas, vasis). f. Cantb. y Pal. vajilla (ǁ conjunto de piezas para el servicio de mesa) …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Vasa — (lat., Plur. von Vas), 1) alle Geschirre, welche etwas Flüssiges od. Unzusammenhängendes fassen können; s. Vasen; bes. 2) Trinkgefäße u. Tafelgeschirr; V. sacra, die Kirchengefäße, welche zur Administration der Sacramente dienen; 3) Gepäck,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Vasa [1] — Vasa (lat.), Gefäße (s. d.), z. B. V. sanguinis, Blutgefäße; V. arteriosa, Arterien; V. venosa, Venen; V. lymphatica oder absorbentia, Lymphgefäße; V. vasorum, kleine Gefäße zur Ernährung größerer; Vas deferens, Samenleiter (s. d.); V. Malpighii …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Vasa [2] — Vasa, Name, soviel wie Wasa …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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