Mathieu Razanakolona

Mathieu Razanakolona

Mathieu Razanakolona (born August 2, 1986 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada) is a Canadian-Malagasy alpine skier, born to a Quebecois mother and a father from Madagascar, currently residing in Canada.

He competes in both slalom and giant slalom races. In January 2006 he made his debut in the Alpine skiing World Cup in Schladming, Austria, but he was disqualified from this competition.

He was Madagascar's only representative at the 2006 Winter Olympics, and their first ever Winter Olympics representative. The FIS gave him a wildcard entry into the 2006 Winter Olympics.

In April 2009, Razanakolona was convicted of fraud of an amount of 500,000 Canadian dollars and sentenced to two years imprisonment by a Canadian court. He was placed on probation.[1]

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