

A Studentenverbindung (the intlink|umbrella term that includes the intlink|Burschenschaften, intlink|Landsmannschaften, intlink|German Student Corps|Corps, intlink|Turnerschaften, intlink|Sängerschaften, intlink|Catholic Corporations, intlink|Wingolf and intlink|Ferialverbindungen) is a intlink|Germany|German intlink|sprachraum student intlink|corporation (university)|corporation somewhat comparable to fraternities in the US or Canada, but mostly older and going back to other kinds of origins.


A corporation in Germany, Austria, Switzerland or elsewhere in Europe consists of the "active" students, who study any academic subject at a university, and the already graduated "Alte Herren" or "Altherren" (Elder Gentlemen or alumni) /"Hohe Damen" (High Ladies) that have once been active in the corporation. The active students usually reside in the intlink|corporation house, some kind of small dorm for the members of the corporation which also has common rooms for festivities. One of the many benefits of joining a corporation is the especially low pricing of the often rich rooms. Some argue that corporations actively try to get new members through these low-priced rooms who they then socialize to their traditions.

The corporation is mostly financed by the "Alte Herren". The latter are said to also take care of the students' careers, helping them in their subjects of study and in other areas of life, up to organizing good jobs and opportunities after graduation. In turn, the active students when becoming "Alte Herren" finance and help the then-actives. This alleged networking is seen as problematic by other students and most students' unions.

Corporations are organized under umbrella organisations; for example there is the Schweizerischer Studentenverein - Société des Etudiants Suisses (StV-SES), the Wingolfsbund (WB), the Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen (CV), the Kartellverband katholischer deutscher Studentenvereine (KV), Weinheimer Senioren-Convent (WSC), the Süddeutsche Kartell (SK), the Coburger Convent (CC), the Deutsche Burschenschaft (DB), the Verband der Vereine Deutscher Studenten (VVDSt), the Deutsche Sängerschaft (DS) or the Kösener Senioren-Convents-Verband (KSCV).

The term "Philister" is usually used for members who have graduated and become "Alte Herren". Consequently, the president of the Alte Herren society of a fraternity is called the "Philistersenior", similar to the "Aktivensenior" (mostly for catholic fraternities) as president of the student body of a fraternity. Another term is "Couleuriker", which comes from the French word "couleur" (color), and is a term for members of all kinds of Studentenverbindungen because normally members of Studentenverbindungen wear a ribbon (Farbenband) in the colors of their Studentenverbindung to show their affiliation.


The vast majority of the current corporations were founded in the early to mid-intlink|19th century, as does their tradition. This includes ideals of intlink|Freedom (political)|freedom, intlink|democracy and in some cases intlink|nationalism. Almost all corporations have a tendency towards centrist intlink|conservatism. intlink|Beer, intlink|commercium songs and intlink|academic fencing also play a big role in certain corporations. Prominent items in corporations' tradition is the intlink|Wartburg festival in intlink|1817 (see intlink|German Confederation#Romanticism, nationalism, liberalism and in the Vormärz era|Vormärz era) and the intlink|Hambach Fest.

However, despite the enormous pressure brought to bear on the Studentenverbindungen in the years following the Nazi seizure of power (1933), many resolutely refused to expel Jewish members since to have done so would have been inimical to their founding ideals, and the values they continue to extol today.

"Catholic corporations" and other Christian corporations, originating from the mid of the 19th century, have been founded as a countermovement to "Burschenschaften" and "Corps". They strictly refuse intlink|academic fencing as unethical. Their intlink|principles are (intlink|Latin|Lat.) "intlink|Catholicism|religio", "intlink|science|scientia", "patria" and "intlink|friendship|amicitia" (catholic corporations) or other principles like "Wingolfsbund"'s (Gr.) "Δί ένός πάντα" - "Di henos panta!" (all through christ). In Switzerland, for example, the vast majority of existing Studentenverbindungen are members of the Schweizerischer Studentenverein - Société des Etudiants suisses (StV-SES), an organisation founded in the early 1840ies as a union of young Catholic intellectuals and politically interested students. Its members intended to serve the newly-established Swiss Confederation, as a modern nation-state based on federal principles and decentralised organisation. The association played a big role in the integration of the Catholic political minority into state institutions during the Kulturkampf period.

Today the most prospering "Studentenverbindungen" can be found in citys and towns with traditional liberal arts colleges and universities like Göttingen, Bonn and Heidelberg in Germany.


In some fraternities the intlink|Mensur (intlink|academic fencing) plays a big role. It is a regulated fight between two members of different fraternities to prove their physical and mental strength and also show their dedication to the fraternity in this extreme and rare situation. Although injuries are possible and common, they are never lethal due to well protected participants. Typical injuries include facial scars, called "Schmiss". Unlike duels (which are banned), the reason for them is not to solve affairs of honor.

Many student societies do not permit their members to fence though. Catholic and other Christian fraternities for instance, strictly forbid any intlink|academic fencing because its representation of a duel is not compatible with their ideals. However, they share some part of other formal traditions of the Corps and Burschenschaften.

The traditional symbols ("intlink|couleur") corporation members wear -coloured caps and ribbons- are seldom seen today at universities.

As most student associations reach back to the early to mid 19th century, tradition and rituals play a big role in all their activities.

The most common kinds of "Studentenverbindungen"

Despite a wide variety of "Studentenverbindungen", certain kinds are prevalent; the most common types are:

"Caption: wc=wearing couleur; nc=not wearing couleur; pF=practicing academic fencing; fo=academic fencing optional; nF=not practicing academic fencing

Uncommon, but influential are the academical-technical engineering clubs ("Akademischer Verein") of the "Hütte" and "Miltenberg-Wernigeroder Ring"; the "Hütte" is the publisher of one of the major engineering compendiums in Germany. [cite book |last=HÜTTE |first=Akademischer Verein |authorlink= |coauthors=Horst Czichos, Manfred Hennecke |title=Hütte. Das Ingenieurwissen. |year=2004 |publisher= Springer |location= Berlin |isbn=3-540-20325-7 ]

Are corporations racist, nationalist, chauvinist?

Most of the corporations consist of men only, fewer corporations are mixed-gender, and there are some corporations which consist of women only. In Austria, it is common for a men-only fraternity to sponsor a women-only sorority taking the same name with the prefix "Nova" (Latin for "New"). In Germany, there are also instances of fraternities helping fledgling sororities.

Some of the traditional orientations as well as misbehaviour of a minority of the corporations regularly leads to prejudices about all of them being right-wing and chauvinist. The vast majority of the corporations see themselves as liberal and tolerant, whereas others (in Germany and Austria) are described rightly as "deutschtümelnd" (intlink|nationalism|nationalistic). This includes supporting the idea of a greater Germany including all German speaking territories, such as Austria or the Italian province of Bolzano-Bozen. For example, the party ranks of the right wing intlink|Freedom Party of Austria to a large proportion consist of members of such corporations, whereas members of the mainstream centrist-conservative intlink|Austrian People's Party) are mostly coming from Catholic corporations.

Most corporations, like intlink|German Student Corps|Corps, intlink|Landsmannschaften and intlink|Turnerschaften allow members of any race, nationality and religion. Christian corporations may be restricted to a specific confession or Christian belief. Many Burschenschaften in Germany restrict membership to people of German heritage due to their traditional political ideals of a unified democratic Germany dating back to the early 1800s. Connections between corporations and right-wing organisations are a constant issue for many left-wing intlink|students' unions and extremist intlink|Antifa organisations in Germany and Austria, frequently leading to public demonstrations against fraternities and even acts of violence.

Due to the non-involvement of Switzerland in the First and Second World Wars, Swiss Studentenverbindungen have somewhat been spared the influence of Germanic and Great-German thought that can be found in some of their German and Austrian counterparts. Their members tend to be located at the centre of the political landscape, with a historical affinity towards the centrist Christian People's Party (CVP-PDC), whereas the right-wing Swiss People's Party (SVP-UDC) and the Liberal Right (FDP-PRD) have lesser ties with active student movements.

ee also


* K.D.St.V. Arminia Heidelberg, member of CV
* K.St.V. Askania-Burgundia Berlin, member of KV
* K.St.V. Arminia Bonn, member of KV
* K.A.V. Lovania Leuven, affiliated with CV
* Corps Austria Frankfurt am Main, member of KSCV
* Corps Rhenania Tübingen, member of KSCV
* Corps Hannovera Göttingen, member of KSCV
* Corps Suevia Freiburg, member of KSCV
* Turnerschaft Cheruscia Göttingen
* Landsmannschaft Zaringia Heidelberg, member of CC
* A.V. Guestfalia Tübingen, member of CV

Umbrella organizations of fraternities

* Deutsche Burschenschaft (DB)
* Kartellverband katholischer deutscher Studentenvereine (KV)
* Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen (CV)
* Coburger Convent der akademischen Landsmannschaften und Turnerschaften (CC)
* Kösener Senioren-Convents-Verband (KSCV)
* Weinheimer Senioren-Convent (WSC)
* Katholiek Vlaams Hoogstudentenverbond (KVHV)
* Nationalistische Studentenvereniging (NSV) (Flemish)
* Verband der Wissenschaftlichen Katholischen Studentenvereine Unitas (UV)
* Schweizerischer Studentenverein - Société des Etudiants Suisses (StV-SES)


* Rolf-Joachim Baum (Hrsg.), „Wir wollen Männer, wir wollen Taten!“ Deutsche Corpsstudenten 1848 bis heute, Siedler-Verlag, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-88680-653-7
*Edwin A. Biedermann, „Logen, Clubs und Bruderschaften“, Droste-Verlag, 2004, ISBN 3-7700-1184-8, 350 Seiten,
* Manfred Studier: "Der Corpsstudent als Idealbild der Wilhelminischen Ära - Untersuchungen zum Zeitgeist 1888 bis 1914", Abhandlungen zum Studenten- und Hochschulwesen, Band 3, Schernfeld 1990, ISBN 3-923621-68-X
* Jonathan Green: "Armed and Courteous", Financial Times magazine, 3. Januar 2004, S.16. [ online (JPG-Scans)]
* R.G.S. Weber: "The German Corps in the Third Reich" Macmillan London, German edition: "Die Deutschen Corps im dritten Reich" SH-Verlag ISBN 3-89498-033-8
* U. Altermatt (Ed.), "Den Riesenkampf mit dieser Zeit zu wagen... Schweizerischer Studentenverein 1841-1991". Maihof-Verlag, Luzern, 1993, ISBN 3952002720

External links

* [ Umbrella organisation of convents in Germany, German]
* [ "fzs" (the national German Students' Unions Organisation, left-wing) on "Verbindungen" (corporations), German]
* [ Reportage] in English language on German "Corps" ("NOTE: .jpg-scans only")
* [ Schweizerischer Studentenverein]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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