- Ganglioglioma
Ganglioglioma or gangliocytoma refers a tumour that arises from
ganglion cell s in thecentral nervous system . While they are most well known as occurring in thetemporal lobe of thebrain , they can occur anywhere in the brain, or in thespinal cord . Gangliogliomas in the brain are often associated withseizure s.They are the second most common cause of spinal cord tumors in children.
Gangliogliomas are mature ganglion cells clustered with neoplastic
glial cell s.ee also
Lhermitte-Duclos disease External Links
* [http://rad.usuhs.edu/medpix/medpix.html?mode=image_finder&action=search&srchstr=ganglioglioma&srch_type=all#top Ganglioglioma Images] MedPix Medical Image Database
* [http://rad.usuhs.edu/medpix/master.php3?mode=topic_images&pk=8862&quiz=#top Gangliocytoma Images] MedPix Medical Image Database
* [http://rad.usuhs.edu/medpix/medpix.html?mode=image_finder&action=search&srchstr=lhermitte-duclos&srch_type=all#top Lhermitte-Duclos Images] MedPix Medical Image Database
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