DNA extraction — DNA isolation is a routine procedure to collect DNA for subsequent molecular or forensic analysis. There are three basic and two optional steps in a DNA extraction: Breaking the cells open, commonly referred to as cell disruption or cell lysis,… … Wikipedia
extrachromosomal — Outside or separated from, a chromosome. * * * ex·tra·chro·mo·som·al .krō mə sō məl, zō adj situated or controlled by factors outside the chromosome <extrachromosomal inheritance> <extrachromosomal DNA> * * * ex·tra·chro·mo·so·mal… … Medical dictionary
DNA — Genetics. deoxyribonucleic acid: an extremely long macromolecule that is the main component of chromosomes and is the material that transfers genetic characteristics in all life forms, constructed of two nucleotide strands coiled around each… … Universalium
extrachromosomal — ¦ekstrəˌ adjective Etymology: extra + chromosomal : situated or controlled by factors outside the chromosomes extrachromosomal inheritance extrachromosomal DNA … Useful english dictionary
Extrachromosomal array — An extrachromosomal array is a method for mosaic analysis in genetics. It is a cosmid, and contains two functioning (wild type) closely linked genes: a gene of interest and a mosaic marker . Such an array is injected into germ line cells, which… … Wikipedia
DNA virus — A DNA virus is a virus that has DNA as its genetic material and replicates using a DNA dependent DNA polymerase. The nucleic acid is usually double stranded DNA (dsDNA) but may also be single stranded DNA (ssDNA). DNA viruses belong to either… … Wikipedia
extrachromosomal — In eukaryotes, non nuclear DNA, present in cytoplasm organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. In prokaryotes, non chromosomal DNA, i.e. plasmids … Glossary of Biotechnology
extrachromosomal element — Any heritable element not associated with the chromosome(s). It is usually a plasmid or the DNA of organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts … Dictionary of molecular biology
extrachromosomal — /ek streuh kroh meuh soh meuhl/, adj. Genetics. of or pertaining to DNA that exists outside the main chromosome and acts independently. [1935 40; EXTRA + CHROMOSOMAL] * * * … Universalium
extrachromosomal — adj. (Genetics) existing outside of the main chromosome (pertaining to DNA) … English contemporary dictionary