

Alala, ( _el. Ἀλαλά), was the female personification of the war cry in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Polemos. [ [ Theoi Project: Alala] - "ALALA was the spirit (daimona) of the war cry. She was a daughter of Polemos (war personified)."] Her name, ironically "dumb, mute, speechless" (from the Greek ἄλαλος, "alalos"), she was an attendant of the war god Ares and the daughter of Polemos, the daemon of War. In Greek mythology, Ares' war cry was her name, "Alale alala". Greek soldiers adopted this and would cry out her name as their battle cry. It is reputedly the term derived from the horrific sound owls make.

In modern times, the producers of , played by Lucy Lawless, used the war-cries "Alalaes", an alternate writing for "Alale" as a war-cry for the titled character of the show.


"Harken! O Alala, daughter of Polemos! Prelude of spears! To whom soldiers are sacrificed for their citys sake in the holy sacrifice of death." - Pindar. Dithyrambs, Frag. 78.


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