

:"For the town in Armenia, see Areguni."Infobox Settlement

settlement_type = Town
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = TUR
map_caption =Location of PAGENAME within Turkey.

official_name = Güney

image_caption = Güney Falls in Güney, Denizli
image_blank_emblem =
blank_emblem_type =

subdivision_name1 = Aegean
subdivision_name2 = Denizli| population_total =
population_urban =
population_as_of =
population_footnotes =
population_density_km2 =
area_total_km2 =
elevation_m =
latd =
latm =
latNS =
longd =
longm =
longEW =
postal_code_type=Postal code
postal_code = 20x xx
blank_info = 20|blank_name=Licence plate
area_code =
leader_name =
website = [http://www.guney.bel.tr www.guney.bel.tr]
leader_name1 =
gwebsite = [http://www.guney.gov.tr www.guney.gov.tr]

Güney is a town and a district of Denizli Province of Turkey. It is located at the sources of the Menderes River convert|70|km|mi|0|abbr=on north of the province seat of Denizli. The town is situated on a steep hillside. The Pamukkale has many of its vineyards in Güney. Güney Falls ("Güney Şelalesi"), at convert|3|km|mi|0|abbr=on distance from the district center is an important visitor's attraction due to its natural beauty and is a site under official protection. Adıgüzel Dam, also on the River Menderes further up, is between the townships of Güney and Bekilli.


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