Josef Beran

Josef Beran

infobox cardinalstyles
cardinal name=Josef Cardinal Beran
dipstyle=His Eminence
offstyle=Your Eminence
relstyle= Cardinal
deathstyle=Servant of God

Josef Cardinal Beran (December 29, 1888—May 17, 1969) was a Czech prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Archbishop of Prague from 1946 until his death, and was elevated to the cardinalate in 1965.


Josef Beran was born in Pilsen, and studied at the seminary there and at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome. Ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 1911, he then did pastoral work in Pilsen until 1932. Beran was made the spiritual director of the Prague's seminary and a professor at Charles University in 1932, and raised to the rank of Privy Chamberlain of His Holiness on June 11, 1936. Arrested by the Gestapo on June 6, 1940, Beran was later imprisoned in Pankrác, Theresienstadt (alongside Štěpán Trochta), and the Dachau concentration camp.

On November 4, 1946, he was appointed Archbishop of Prague and thus Primate of the Church in Czechoslovakia by Pope Pius XII. Beran received his episcopal consecration on the following December 8 from Archbishop Saverio Ritter, with Bishops Maurice Picha and Anton Eltschkner serving as co-consecrators. Following the rise of the Communist regime of Czechoslovakia in 1948, Beran prohibited his clergy from taking an oath of loyalty to the new regime (viewing such an action as a "treason to the Christian faith" [TIME Magazine. [,9171,805130,00.html Transition] October 24, 1949] ), and publicly protested the seizure of Church property [TIME Magazine. [,9171,873126,00.html Freedom for a Fighter] October 11, 1963] and infringement of religious freedom [TIME Magazine. [,9171,900892,00.html Milestones] May 23, 1969] . He declared that, "The Catholic Church should enjoy the absolute freedom to which it has a right, both God-given and guaranteed by the existing Constitution" [TIME Magazine. [,9171,887985,00.html "A Positive Attitude"] May 30, 1949] . In June 1949 Beran was placed under house arrest, and complained of being "deprived of all personal freedom and all rights as the archbishop" [TIME Magazine. [,9171,854962,00.html Legal Actions?] August 29, 1949] . He later willingly re-entered imprisonment, this time in Mukařov and Radvanov by the Communists until 1949 to 1963.

The Czech primate was impeded from exercising his episcopal ministry upon his release, and eventually went to live in Rome in February 1965 in exchange for governmental concessions to the Church [TIME Magazine. [,9171,838077-2,00.html Tremors of Change] March 29, 1968] . Pope Paul VI created him Cardinal Priest of "S. Croce in via Flaminia" in the consistory later that month, on February 22. Also that same year, Beran participated in the last of session of the Second Vatican Council. During the Council's discussion on its document "Dignitatis Humanae", he suggested that expiation for past attacks on religious liberty was a possible cause of the Church's modern suffering [TIME Magazine. [,9171,834445,00.html A Blow for Liberty] October 1, 1965] .

The Cardinal died from lung cancer [TIME Magazine. [,9171,900892,00.html Milestones] May 23, 1969] in Rome, at age 80. He is buried in the grotto of St. Peter's Basilica. On April 2, 1998, the Archdiocese of Prague opened his beatification process.


*Beran was the son of a schoolteacher.
*He condemned as schismatic the Communist government-approved Czech Catholic Action [TIME Magazine. [,9171,888541,00.html Hour of Trial] July 4, 1949] .
*Beran offered his resignation to the Pope repeatedly, but was always refused.


External links

* [ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church]
* [ Catholic-Hierarchy]
* [,9171,800446-1,00.html "We Believe in Each Other" - TIME Magazine]

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