

Infobox Settlement

settlement_type = District
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = TUR
map_caption =Location of PAGENAME within Turkey.

official_name = Aladağ

subdivision_name1 = Mediterranean
subdivision_name2 = Adana| population_total =
population_as_of =
population_footnotes =
population_density_km2 =
area_total_km2 =
elevation_m = 850|latd = 37
latm = 32
latNS = N
longd = 35
longm = 23
longEW = E
postal_code_type=Postal code
postal_code = 01xx
area_code = 0322
blank_info = 01|blank_name=Licence plate
leader_name =
website =

Named "Karsanti" until recently, Aladağ is a district of Adana Province of Turkey about 100km north of the city of Adana, up in the mountains. This is an undeveloped area, the people live from agriculture and forestry. People from the Çukurova retreat up here in the summer to escape the heat on the plain, although it's too high up for a day trip.

The Aladağlar mountains are an eastern extension of the Toros. These high mountains are a popular area for climbing, usually accessed from the north through the town of Niğde. The town of Aladağ sits on their southern side, accessed by road up from Adana. There is no pass through the mountains.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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