- Aasterinian
D&D Deity
title=Messenger of Io
home=Heroic Domains of Ysgard
alignment=Chaotic Neutral
portfolio=Invention, Pleasure
domains=Chaos, Charm, Dragon, Illusion, Luck, Trade, Travel, Trickery
super=IoIn the "
Dungeons & Dragons "role-playing game , Aasterinian is the dragon deity that serves as Io's messenger.In many
campaign setting s, the draconic pantheon of gods consists of the leader Io, as well as Aasterinian, Bahamut,Chronepsis ,Faluzure , and Tiamat. Other draconic gods may be present in different campaign settings.Description
Aasternian appears as a huge brass dragon who is always grinning. She is quick-witted, with a sharp tongue. She also has talons and breathes fire.
Aasternian is on good relations with
Garl Glittergold ,Fharlanghn ,Olidammara and similar deities.Realm
Aasterinian's realm of "Brassberg" can be found on the plane of
Ysgard .Dogma
Aasterinian encourages those who follow her to think for themselves, rather than believing what others tell them. She abhors self-doubt and criticism, and enjoys upsetting the status quo to keep others on their toes.
Worshippers and temples
Aasterinian's followers usually travel disguised or do not disclose their faith.
Aasterinian has no known temples though shrines do occur in places where worshippers can rest on their travels.
*Collins, Andy,
Skip Williams , and James Wyatt. "Draconomicon " (Wizards of the Coast , 2003).*Redman, Rich, and James Wyatt. "Defenders of the Faith" (
Wizards of the Coast , 2000).*
Sargent, Carl . "Monster Mythology " (TSR, 1992).
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