

Bollingen is a small village near Rapperswil, in the Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland. It is located on the north bank of Lake Zurich and is part of the municipality of Jona.


Bollingen lies about 5000 meters along the north bank of lake Zurich between Jona and Schmerikon. There is a railway halt about halfway between the abbey and the village, and a landing for the ferry from Zurich, but apart from local restaurants there are no commercial establishments.


Wurmsbach Abbey, a nunnery of the Cistercians founded in 1261, is located in the village. The nuns now run a secondary school for girls.

Carl Jung

Bollingen is well known as the location of the country retreat (in appearance a small castle with several towers) which C.G. Jung constructed within the village on the shore of the lake. For much of his life Jung spent several months a year living at Bollingen, and here he accomplished much of his writing, painting, and sculpture. Jung's residence is now owned by a family trust, and is not available for public visits.

Bollingen Foundation

In 1945, Paul Mellon and his wife Mary Conover Mellon provided funding for the Bollingen Foundation, which was named for Jung's residence in the village. The Foundation's offices were located in New York City. Initially the Foundation was dedicated to the dissemination of Jung's work, and it eventually sponsored the publication of more than 250 related volumes in the Bollingen Series. The Foundation also established the Bollingen Prize and the Bollingen Fellowships.

External links

*de icon [ Jona Official Page]
*de icon [ Wurmsbach Abbey]

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